History Channel's firearm expert a moron

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Watched History Channel's show . In it they talked about the 2 bank robbers in body armor with full auto weapons including AK-47's. The "expert" claimed the 7.62 x 39mm round was designed to penetrate tanks, which is why they were able to shoot through cars. You'd think they'd have their facts straight. Sure it will penetrate vehicles, but tanks too?!? Why are we using M-16/M-4's when we are overwhelmingly outgunned by the tank-killing AK?


New member
Maybe with an AP round...

He could have just gotten mixed up though. Or not. Either way, it doesnt necessarily mean hes a moron.


New member
Most TV experts are less than claimed. Moron may be a bit harsh, but the same program, while tongue bathing the wonderful M-16 as being "high powered out to 600 meters" showed images of 9mm H&K subguns.

The History channel lost all credibility right after Murdoch bought it, now it's all telepathic sidekicks, ghost hunters/trainers/searchers & Bigfoot hunters who never actually find anything.:barf:


New member
Sounds like he's been sniffing glue. 7.62X39mm is not known as an armor piercing round, and tanks have pretty substantial armor, even the tanks in 1945 (when the cartridge was developed). That's why infantrymen hide behind them. Cars, on the other hand, are made out of sheet metal and crunch up quite nicely when shot by just about anything, even 22LR will penetrate a car. To be factual, 7.62X39mm is a reduced-power load designed to operate semiauto and automatic weapons, and keep those weapons controllable while firing it.

The History Channel is not immune to using a lot of sensationalism any time they air a show about firearms. Which doesn't surprise me a bit, they are in the business of attracting and titillating people, not in the facts business. A show that just gave you the facts might satisfy the analytical people among us, but would bore the snot out of 99% of us.


New member
I think it just goes to show the continued deterioration of our rights as Americans. IMO it's a reflection of the Liberal propaganda that's permeating the whole country.


those l.a. bank robbers i believe did have AP rounds.
tv host i would listen to .other than the outdoor shows
and hunting shows and stuff and even then with a grian
of salt.


New member
The History channel lost all credibility right after Murdoch bought it, now it's all telepathic sidekicks, ghost hunters/trainers/searchers & Bigfoot hunters who never actually find anything.

The History Channel is owned by A&E Television Networks, which is owned jointly by The Hearst Corporation, Disney-ABC Television Group, and NBC Universal.

But Ghost Hunters, that Nostradamus miniseries, and MonsterQuest are all pretty poor shows.
"Ghost Hunters" is on the Sci Fi channel, not History Channel. It may be a poor show, but has nothing to do with the History Channel's credibility.


New member
"UFO Hunters" is the one on History Channel.

History channel has gotten worse over the past few years. At least the Military Channel has taken up some of the slack. Even Military Channel has occasional glaring errors about gun stuff.


New member
I was referring collectively to the "paranormal" raft of BS shows that have increased to the point I don't even watch what used to be my favourite channel, not a specific show.
They don't even attempt to make the themed shows relevant any more "Pyramids" under 'Modern Marvels" for example.:eek:

The accuracy is pathetic, they'll just grab any footage that looks like it MIGHT be from that vague period in history & slap it in regardless.
It's only because of the History channel that I now know that Spitfires were shooting down B-17s (escorted by Me 110s) over the pacific islands.:barf:


New member
No it was just any footage of any single-engined fighter attacking anything with more than one engine. It really was that bad.
Some of the footage looked like it was a British fighter escort forming up on (presumably returning) B-17s shot thru the radio operators window. Then it switched to waist gunners shooting at something & a very obvious spit going down in flames & hitting the ocean somwhere.
In some shots you could clearly see the early 3-color RAF markings on the spits.


New member
Why are we using M-16/M-4's when we are overwhelmingly outgunned by the tank-killing AK?

First off, HAHAHAHAHAHA! That's rich!

Second, who was this expert? Is he a firearms expert, or a teleprompter reading expert?

Third, what the hell ever happened to Mail Call?

Forth, Go back and read the previos 3 posts. Funny stuff.
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New member
History mystery...

I love watching the History Channel and the Military History channel. :)

I had a relationship that didn't end very well. :rolleyes:

What do these two have to do with one another? My ex's uncle is a constant "subject matter expert" on the Military History channel and I've spotted him on the History channel as well.

He is a nice guy but it's an annoying reminder considering it's hard to watch the Military HC for more than a few hours without seeing him.



New member
Are we talking about the fat bald guy who was in Vietnam gun expert or are we talking about someone else? The fat guy seems to know his stuff. Though they don't have him on much with the new stuff.

It's a shame, plenty of good shows I remember they could easily re-run after being off the air for a decade. "Planes of the Luftwaffe" was a good series.


New member

LOL... NO...

You're talking about the "DAMN GOOD TANK" guy... he seems to know his stuff, but it's not him.

They have a new younger guy on there who is pretty good. He has his PhD in some kind of history, kind of soft spoken but he seems to really know his stuff.


44 AMP

I have enjoyed the history channel for years...

And generally, they get things mostly right. However, what they get wrong, they often get really wrong.

Military history (especially WWII), and firearms have been a hobby of mine for the past 40+ years, and while I have no "official" standing, I will match my accumulated knowledge against most of the "experts" and not come off tooo badly.

The History channel gets things right about 90% of the time, (exclusive of the film footage) but, when they get things wrong, sometimes its really wrong! Even the Gunny (R. Lee Ermy) in his new show Lock N Load, has been making errors in regard to firearms history. I'll cut him a little slack, as the Gunny is getting up there in years, doesn't write the scripts, and while fairly knowledgeable, isn't a firearms expert. IN his latest series, he seems to be doing it more for fun, than for "accuracy".

I also cut the shows some slack with their historical footage, as for many subjects, footage of the correct subjects is simply non existant. However, I do agree that they have been getting more and more careless recently. Nothing quite like being told about the fighting in the snows of the Ardennes during the Battle of the Bulge, and seeing German light tanks blitzkrieging across the summer fields of France.
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