Hide a handgun in your closet.


New member
FAS1 said:
As mentioned earlier in the thread, a little creativity could make a big difference. Secure and hidden with reasonable quick access is hard to beat.

Wouldn't this be an issue when your heater was on? Not sure about the sudden Hot/Cold changes all the time with it being in a vent


New member
Wouldn't this be an issue when your heater was on? Not sure about the sudden Hot/Cold changes all the time with it being in a vent

I guess it would if the vent was functional ;)


New member
You actually cut a hole in your floor for a fake vent?

I think it's a great idea and if your house has a crawl space underneath then there is tons of room. You can make the space as big as you want.
I like the vent thing. Imagine a trip release that springs the vent out of the floor, and a handgun is ejected upward, about 3-4 feet, like the Bond ejection seat. Bad guys have you at gun point, you step over to the vent and trigger release (hidden so you can step on a button to release it), the gun springs up, you grab it and take out the bad guys. I gotta work on this!:D


New member
Wouldn't it be better to just step on a button and make the bad guys fall through a trap door?

No, wait. Then, they'd be under the house where your gun is. Nevermind.


New member
You actually cut a hole in your floor for a fake vent?

It's not my install. Here's what he said when he sent me the photos:

"Thought you might be interested in the install in the master bedroom. I have floor diffusers around the perimeter of the room of the same style and color. My bedroom is over the garage. No one would ever know."


New member
The fake floor vent is the best idea in this thread (IMO). I had one in my old apartment back in the 80's but it was built into the kicker panel right in front of the kitchen sink. Nobody ever knew and I bet its still there.


New member
The floor vent idea is very good for small to moderate sized handguns. I wouldn't do the vent by the kitchen sink personally as sometimes pipes can develop leaks and go un-noticed for quite a while. Water and guns don't mix very well in a storage location.