Hi-Point king of the .380s?


New member
Well, they could be right. I've not known Hi-Points to malfunction, but with a straight blowback design there's not much TO malfunction.

Clunky, heavy, un-ergonomic, and fugly as sin, but they do work, and, I hear, with reasonable accuracy.

Gator Monroe

New member
There was a kinda "Just for fun / shi*s & giggles test with pics & range test of a older Davis P.380 as a cheap home self defense pistol in one of the Major Gun Magazines around 6 months or so (I think it was a Page & a half ) with shot groups & pics of one of the little beasts . (I liked the Idea of testing and showing the value of these type weapons, especially since I love my early 90's Davis P.380 Californian (Chrome) ,it looks soooo gangsta.


New member
On a side note... IF the Hipoints were as terrible as the nay sayers claim...

Hipoint would not be in business. IF they have a 100% no questions asked replacement or fix the probem warranty. (Which they do... no matter if you bought it new or from the 12th owner) They would be out of money fixing the "terrible guns" all the time. But yet here they are... doing well as a company, and selling more and more guns.

How can this be... Does not the claim of "they are crap, or they are terrible guns" ACTUALLY go AGAINST reason?

Te Anau

New member
I stand corrected.I was at their website several months ago & I'm quite sure that it said their guns were warranted for life to the original purchaser.Good news though.

David the Gnome

New member
Steve1911 said:
On a side note... IF the Hipoints were as terrible as the nay sayers claim...

Hipoint would not be in business. IF they have a 100% no questions asked replacement or fix the probem warranty. (Which they do... no matter if you bought it new or from the 12th owner) They would be out of money fixing the "terrible guns" all the time. But yet here they are... doing well as a company, and selling more and more guns.

How can this be... Does not the claim of "they are crap, or they are terrible guns" ACTUALLY go AGAINST reason?

I normally make it a point to stay out of these Hi-Point threads, but I'll make an exception just this once.

There are plenty of companies out there that make a very inferior and poor quality product but continue to do well because they sell it cheap. I don't think anyone in this thread will try and argue with me that a beer like Natural Light is anything but a poor quality beer, but they continue to do well each and every year. How can this be? Because it is cheap, people are willing to put up with a poor quality or inferior product simply because they can get it cheap.

Making an argument for Hi-Point based on the fact that they sell a lot of guns does not make them a quality arms manufacturer or a superior product. They sell guns cheap, cheaper than anyone else will, that is how they are successful. It doesn't matter if they're any good or not so long as they can make them for less than anyone else.
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Gator Monroe

New member
The Idea of marginal quality low cost Handguns is sadly verbotten, yet a Guide lamp Liberator pistol is better than no pistol at all , so would one of these .380's (Of the various makers)


New member
The folks here on this forum are into firearms and most will spend a lot more money than the average gun owner will on firearms. I think that's where the Hi-Points of the world come in. I'm all in favor of a person of modest means being able to purchase a functional firearm at a reduced price. These are not the people who will go out and put thousands of rounds through a handgun. Yet, they deserve something better than some of the junk we've seen in the past -- guns that might or might not fire.

I don't own a Hi-Point and they seem to have a bad rep. I've never shot one, so I was curious as to what posters here thought of them, keeping in mind the role of the gun.


New member
On a side note... IF the Hipoints were as terrible as the nay sayers claim...

Hipoint would not be in business. IF they have a 100% no questions asked replacement or fix the probem warranty. (Which they do... no matter if you bought it new or from the 12th owner) They would be out of money fixing the "terrible guns" all the time. But yet here they are... doing well as a company, and selling more and more guns.

How can this be... Does not the claim of "they are crap, or they are terrible guns" ACTUALLY go AGAINST reason?

The vast majority of firearms buyers never fire their weapons, ever. These same buyers many times shop for the cheapest they can find. Hi-Point benefits from this and remains solvent. If only knowledgeable shooters purchased firearms Hi-Point would be in serious trouble. In fact I doubt they would have ever existed at all. IMO.


New member
I`m kinda in KyJims shoe`s. I don`t own one either. Friend of mine owns a Hipoint 45 pistol and swears by it. I`ve shot it and although it had a rather rough action /trigger it never FTF. I suppose with a few mods. it could be smoothed out. Also,don`t know how much shooting pressure the pistol will withstand as he`s only had it a few months. The day we shot we ran about 500rds through it.
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New member
I like my Hi Point just fine. I know I'll catch hell for it, but I like my Bryco 48 better:p
The Hi Point is, with the exception of barrel length, the biggest semi auto that I own. It's as tall, and thicker than my Steyr M40A1. The grip also feels thicker on the Hi-Point.
I don't know how else to explain it, but if you could "hear" the way a trigger pulls. For Example: Bryco 48, the trigger feel is like the sound of a record player playing silence. It has that slight staticy not quite gritty feel. The Hi-Point trigger reminds me of chewing rubber, actually it also sounds like it a bit, too.
I don't like the roll pin that holds it together. I know it holds together better than the "Ring of Fire" takedown buttons, but wish they could have used a different method. The Ortgies or RG-26 takedown methods would've been just fine.
The magazines are a pain to load, although mine is somewhat getting better.
I like it better than my Cobra/ Davis, but then it becomes tangled in attributes... Well, except on the fact that the Hi Point has run 100% and some of the others needed a little help.


New member
I like my Hi Point just fine. I know I'll catch hell for it, but I like my Bryco 48 better
The Hi Point is, with the exception of barrel length, the biggest semi auto that I own. It's as tall, and thicker than my Steyr M40A1. The grip also feels thicker on the Hi-Point.
I don't know how else to explain it, but if you could "hear" the way a trigger pulls. For Example: Bryco 48, the trigger feel is like the sound of a record player playing silence. It has that slight staticy not quite gritty feel. The Hi-Point trigger reminds me of chewing rubber, actually it also sounds like it a bit, too.
I don't like the roll pin that holds it together. I know it holds together better than the "Ring of Fire" takedown buttons, but wish they could have used a different method. The Ortgies or RG-26 takedown methods would've been just fine.
The magazines are a pain to load, although mine is somewhat getting better.
I like it better than my Cobra/ Davis, but then it becomes tangled in attributes... Well, except on the fact that the Hi Point has run 100% and some of the others needed a little help.

Hi-Point, Bryco, Ortgies, RG, Cobra, Davis....For God's sake...someone please open a window in here. :rolleyes: