Hero Police Officer


New member
Officer Garner truly lived up to his job title to protect and serve,Kudo's for his bravery. + 1 for the good guys and one less loony off the streets.Two thumbs up.:)


New member
Maybe I am being a little thinskinned, but, in one thread Police are being castigated for doing too much in another we are castigated for doing too little.


New member
Wagonman, Thinskinned??? Don`t think so. In this day and age if a person choose`s to become an LEO, does their job well, they(the Leo) are someone that deserves the utmost respect. Are there bad,lazy cops that shouldn`t be toteing a badge,you bet, there`s bad in every profession. That bad /lazy cop should be culled out and rid of by LE brass. Good cops are human and humans make mistake`s also. One thing for sure, the old saying 'one screw wipes out a lot of at-a-boys' surely pertains to an LEO job. Public scrutiny is a SOB. Soooo... THANKSto all the LEO`s that we sometimes take for granted, forget they are human and don`t understand their job like we think we do. Get well soon Officer Garner!