Help on Dbl Tap and "Mozambique"


New member
for me,, at 7-15 feet,, i kinda see a peripheral sight picture and the focus is on the threat,,,not saying that is right for everyone,,just how i do it,,,,and i also think if you are getting one hole groups at that range you are not shooting fast enough

i also agree that you should start slow and stay slow until it becomes second nature for your body to do the draw with out thinking about it,,,so you can stay focused on the threat and not the draw sequence

i also practice the low shot,,,that being from the holster to where the hands come together or a one handed belly shot,,,or groin shot,,,,lots of big blood vessels in the groin,, and the muzzle from the holster sweeps the groin,,,why not get the action started right there

i like this practice because if all else fails and i have made the decision that a weapon has to be brought into play it is most likely going to be used,, and i want to know how to hit,,, sights or not,,,,for the longer shots i agree a formal sight picture is in order

my .02



New member
What I found helped me most in my speed was practicing in my basement without any ammo. Paste a target on a wall in your basement. Unload your gun and put the ammo in a different room. Check your gun again. Are you sure it is unloaded? Really sure?

Put your shot timer on par time with a random start. Put it on a long time for a double tap. Say 3 seconds. At the beep, slowly draw, get a site picture, dry fire, release the trigger and dry fire again (don't worry if your gun is a Glock or 1911 and the hammer/striker won't fall, just pull the trigger). You want to focus on technique -- smooth draw, no bobble of the front sight when you pull the trigger. Do this 10 times.

Now reduce the time so that it is maybe 10% slower than your normal time. Do 10 reps. Reduce time to your normal time. 10 more reps. Reduce time to 10% less than your normal time. Do 10 reps. Now change to very slow time (say 3 seconds), and do 10 reps, focusing on technique.

Do this every day for six weeks. You'll see a significant improvement.


New member
you could also use a smaller target,,,teach yourself to hit small,,like maybe a peace of note book paper taped to your silhouette target
