Help Me Out Here, Guys...Which One?

Single Six

New member
With much bitter disappointment and glum resignation, I have finally accepted the fact that I will NEVER be able to afford the car of my dreams that I've lusted after for going on 30 years.:( As a compromise, my wife has suggested that I console myself with the purchase of a firearm [yeah, if nothing else, I got this marriage thing right the first time!]. Now, here's how I see it: I've always wanted a stainless, synthetic-stocked M1A, but I find them to be way too expensive, and more maintenance-intensive than I'm prepared to deal with. That narrows it down to two Ruger choices: A Gunsite Scout Rifle .308, or a Mini-30 7.62x39. Any and all suggestions appreciated!
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New member
depends if u want to hunt i would choose the gun sight scout, if you want a fun range gun i would choose the mini 30 because the ammo is much much cheaper.... you could also hunt with the mini 30 if you found some hollow points for it

Single Six

New member
No, hunting isn't my thing...although I wouldn't completely rule it out; I've done it before and may do so again. The whole point of this purchase is to get a gun that I've always wanted but just couldn't afford [even so, as stated previously, I simply cannot justify an M1A, monetarily speaking]. The Ruger GSR is more within my grasp, and the Mini-30, even more so. Of course, already owning a Mini-14, I'm leaning toward the Scout, but still......


they are not exactly the same thing.

The Scout really is nothing more than a deer hunting rifle, and the other is at least a fair fighting rifle. Which of those things is more important to you?


New member
If you already own the Mini 14, why not go with the Ruger GSR? Thats a sweet rifle and its in .308 if thats what you're looking for.

Unless you really like your Mini14, then get the Mini30 to complement it.

Single Six

New member
Funny you should mention that; my father in-law has one for sale, he's asking $750.00. It's certainly worth considering......

Single Six

New member
PBRKTRT: Correction, the Garand my father in-law has is not a CMP, but is a pretty good shooter nonetheless. Emcon5, to answer your question [Wistful, long-suffering sigh]: 1958 Plymouth Fury, better known as "Christine". Read the book back in 1983. Saw the car for the first time when I saw the movie just after that. I recall my mouth falling open in stupefied wonder. Love at first sight, and I walked out of that theater a forever changed kid. Alas, I've since found that the dreams of youth are often drowned in the arctic waters of reality. My reach exceeds my grasp; finding, affording, and buying classic cars in 100% condition is a rich man's game...and I'm in full-time LE, so obviously I'll never be in THAT category. Ergo, buying a dream gun is much more within the realm of possibility. Well, my realm of possibility anyway....:(:(
I bought my 1st collector car a couple years ago... a barn find "survivor" condition 1938 Nash Lafayette trunk back sedan, with suicide rear doors... now, I'm building my 1st roadster pick up... if you found yourself one that needs lots of work ( I assume this means in your budget ) but still runs & drives even if weakly... then slowly fix it up yourself... if you just arent the "wrenchy" type, save up & pay someone to fix the thing that bugs you the most, & work your way up to that 100% condition car...

no shame in driving a cool beater, if you are working towards a goal, & if you buy one that actually drives, you can get out to the cruises, & shows, & get hooked up with the kinda people that have parts, or could get you hooked up with the next service person the car needs to meet


New member
I'd go for the GSR over the mini 30 especilly if I had a mini 14. But I'd take the Garand if I didn't own anything else.

Single Six

New member
Magnum Wheel Man: Thanks very much for the encouragement, but with a wife, 2 kids, and only one just ain't gonna happen. As an aside, tonight I borrowed the aforementioned M1 and took it to a very knowledgeable gunsmith for a once-over. He told me that in his opinion, it needs a new barrel, but otherwise it's a pretty decent shooter-grade piece. He also re-crowned the muzzle & gave it a good cleaning while he was at it. He said that if he were looking at buying it, he'd offer no more than $500.00, since it needs that new barrel he mentioned. I'm thinking I'll let my father in-law keep it; I'd much rather have a brand new rifle. Hey, if I'm going to substitute a firearm for a dream car, I want a new one!
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GSR ... until you have learned both eyes open snap shooting with a scout rifle, you really don't understand what is possible when shooting off-hand.
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Single Six

New member
Good point, Jimbob....and the point could be made that since I already have a Mini-14, I'd do well to get a Mini-30, since I already know those rifles pretty well. On the other hand, it could also be said that variety is the spice of life, which leads me back toward the GSR. Granted, for me the Mini-30 would be more useful, but this isn't about buying something I need. It's about making up for a lost dream with something I just simply want. Know what I mean?