Help me find larger .380s to drool over


New member
a 380 is fine, it is perfect for a small gun. i don't see the need for it in a larger gun tho. anything a large framed 380 can do a 9mm can do better.


New member
...there's always the Colt Gov't .380...




New member
a 380 is fine, it is perfect for a small gun. i don't see the need for it in a larger gun tho. anything a large framed 380 can do a 9mm can do better.

All true, but not everything need be practical. :)


New member
i don't see the need for it in a larger gun tho. anything a large framed 380 can do a 9mm can do better.

I hear this argument alot - from folks who usually speak from little experience with shooting the classic .380's - On paper, it might seem to make sense, but the logic doesn't flow. What are you doing shooting the 9MM when they make the same frame in .40 S&W? Why shoot the .40 when you could shoot the .357 Sig in the same frame? Or better yet, the 10MM?

Many cowboy action shooters choose to shoot .38 Special out of the same frame when they could shoot the .45 LC instead. But shooters often choose the easier to manage (and therefore faster shooting) .38 Special over the "better" .45 LC

Same goes for the classic .380's for me. They are easier pistols for me to manage over 9MM's of the same size (as are 9MM's over .40's of the same size). I shoot them faster and more accurately at speed than I do a larger caliber in the same size. I don't mind if you don't prefer .380's - but to claim there is no need for them is to expose one's lack of exposure.

Some of my favorite pistols to shoot of any caliber:

Beretta 85 - only 8 rounds but fits my hand better than the 84 and it makes a big difference in how I handle it.

CZ-83 - by far my favorite of the eastern bloc .380 pistols.

Astra A-60 - I love Astra triggers and the elusive A-60 with it's wider grip (and therefore higher capacity) actually fits my hand better than the single stack Constable.

Colt Government - What can I say? It's a Colt. (And props to Star for it's heritage)

Colt 1908 - Let's give credit to the first .380 - if you didn't know who the designer was, you'd be amazed at how well this one performs.


New member
The Beretta 84 in it's older version in the 1980's was advertised as a "Survival Kit". It is the water mark of large capacity .380's, much as the Walther PPK/S .380 is of smaller .380's. Everything else in that caliber is, well, just ... everything else!;)


New member
While I am not a fan of the .380 as a defensive round (I do own 2), it has it's place in out society, light weight, easy to conceal, light recoil and easy to use. And while the Beretta, CZ and Sig are nice pistols in 380 their size does bring into question if they are the best choices.

Once you get past the Bersa 380 and Walther PP/PPK size pistols, it makes more sense to look at the 9mm Luger, there are tons of options out there for pistols made in 9mm Luger that are not much larger than the PPK or 380. (the SR9c comes to mind)

Yes the Beretta 84 is a classic, but one who's time has past. With higher capacity mags and same size frames the current crop of 9mm Lugers will serve you much better.

Is the 9mm Luger a much better round than the 9mm Kurtz, you bet your bippy on it. Once you get into the medium size frames, you should be looking at a 9mm Luger for your personal defense.

Just my opinion. (now a 3 inch 45 ACP or 2 1/2 inch 357 mag would be better yet)
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New member
Well Jim243, your opinion is noted. But what does it have to do with this thread?

The OP asks:

What are your favorite middle and large-sized .380s?

You didn't have an answer to this. Instead you felt the urge to contribute by essentially implying that anyone who owns or shoots a non-pocket .380 is short on modern firearm enlightenment?

The subject of this thread was not "what do you think of the effectiveness or market position of the .380?"

Most of us who have posted on this thread are owners and shooters of high quality .380 pistols. For some apparently crazy reason, we like to own or shoot guns "whose* (sp corrected) time has past" - We like their history; We like their fit and finish; We like how they perform; We enjoy shooting them. Do we have to make them our primary carry/duty pistol in order to merit our purchase? Nope :p

American Eagle

New member
I have the newer Beretta 85FS with 8+1 round capacity. I highly recommend it. I absolutely love mine, and it makes it's way into my CCW rotation quite a bit despite owning bigger caliber pistols. It is easy to carry, a joy to shoot, and I feel more comfortable with it than I do with some other pistols I carry on occasion. :D

PS: Thanks for schooling Jim. Someone had to do it. There is nothing I hate more than a 9MM wonder brick fan trying to belittle others if they choose to carry something different from them.




New member
Thank you predecessor, for keeping the thread on-track.

For those whose reading comprehension left certain parts of the OP in doubt, I refer you to the part where I mention I already have two perfectly good 9mm pistols, both of which fill the roles I need them for admirably.

The pistols under discussion are better or worse suited to different applications depending on the shooter, their ability, and the situation. Neither I nor anybody else needs more education on the merits of the .380 cartridge in any particular application. Please take it as a given that I and the members posting in this thread are perfectly aware of the limitations of the firearms put forward and accept that we feel they are worthy of mention/purchase in spite or because of these qualities.

And just FYI - I can shoot my P238 faster and more accurately than I can shoot my full-sized CZ-75B, despite the small grip. If that makes me a girlie-man, so be it.

So we have:
Bersa Thunder and Thunder Plus
Walther PPK and PPK/S
Sig P232 and P238
Beretta 84 and 85
Colt Gov't .380
Astra A-60
Browning BDA

Any other easily-available ones out there? They all look gorgeous to me! :D


New member
Most of us who have posted on this thread are owners and shooters of high quality .380 pistols. For some apparently crazy reason, we like to own or shoot guns "whose* (sp corrected) time has past" - We like their history; We like their fit and finish; We like how they perform; We enjoy shooting them. Do we have to make them our primary carry/duty pistol in order to merit our purchase? Nope

Well said.


New member
A few other in the category to consider Daekar:

Astra Constable - (in between the size of a PPK/S and PP) but much easier to find over the A-60 - Here's one with upgraded walnut (which looks and feels much better than the stock black plastic):

Star S series - the SS model seems to be the easiest to find. This one in the Starvel nickel finish:

Walther PP (not the PPK) - a classic; gorgious guns

Mauser HsC - These are beautiful guns as well (H&K made a kind of modern variation which are harder to find.)


New member
I found the Taurus! Apparently their Millennium Pro is available in .380 as well, with a 12+1 capacity.

If I were looking for a purely functional .380, I would scoot that up the list quite a bit. IMHO it's not nearly as visually appealing as some of the alternatives, even in the same price range. I would imagine it is as mild as milkwater on the range, though! :D

EDIT: Great Scot, that Star S Series is gorgeous! Too bad it would never work for a left-hander. :eek:
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Pond James Pond

New member
A local hunting shop has a second hand Astra Constable, and an Astra A-60.

The latter is almost new and even comes with a shoulder holster.

I must say that, as semis go, I find that A60/Constable/P232 blowback form reeeeaaaalllly stunning and great to hold. That Constable was a little bit of love at first sight. :D

Regretably, over here, the .380 calibre cartridges are quite expensive compared to the normal 9mm, so its not a viable option for me, but theose pistols look soooo nice and fit my hand like a glove!!

I like!! :cool:

Good luck with your hunt! My instinct says you won't be disappointed!!