Help! I've got the sickness!!


New member
I think I have the problem. Went to a gun show this morning and DIDN'T buy anything :(

I have 4 on my short list and haven't bought a gun in over a month so it's just a matter of time before I get the fix.

I did get my CCW permit though and have bought 5 holsters, 9 more mags and a new range bag :p


New member
Far more treacherous than the need to acquire... I seem to have the need to modify!

I just dropped the ole' 1911 off at the shop for a feed-ramp polish, trigger job, mag release check, sight adjustment, and hammer spring... One might ask why I didn't just go buy a new gun!?!?:eek:

Doc, it hurts when I do this!:p


I treat my gun lust by having at least one on my person at all times, with the unfortunate exception of where I work. My bathrobe has a hole in the pocket from the muzzle. The 1st thing I do when I get home from work is to gun up. I am about to indulge the acquisition imperative again- gotta have a K-31 before they get expensive. Now that the guns are available there will be a demand for the ammo- just like with the Makarov. Love of guns is something you're born with, although it can strike later in life. The best treatment it to buy and use as many as you can.