Help! I've got the sickness!!


New member
I dropped by the sporting goods store to pick up some cyalume sticks for halloween and of course I just had to visit the gun counter. I decided I needed a Beretta Bobcat in .32 ACP complete with ankle holster *despite* the fact that I don't have a carry permit or even any use for the darn thing! :D
Is there a cure?

10 MickeyMouse

New member
Is there a cure?

You could move to the UK:barf:

Just wait, it gets worse. After awhile you start jonesin' (SP?) for a new one. Within a couple of days, you find yourself stopping in at several different gun shops with a few models in mind, telling yourself that you won't buy unless they have one of the guns on your mental list. But then you start seeing other ones that call your name. A day or two later that old milsurp or used S&W gets the best of you and you go buy it. Now you've had your fix. But the next urge will come on faster and harder.


New member
O yea, I have heard of some having this sickness of being unable to stop buying firearms and accessories but luckily I have been unaffected, I can stop anytime I want,,,,,,, honest :D


New member
O yea, I have heard of some having this sickness of being unable to stop buying firearms and accessories but luckily I have been unaffected, I can stop anytime I want,,,,,,, honest

yeah right gixerman :D

many of us saw your massive diplay of firearms on the pics thread :D


New member
Rumor has it that once you buy ALL the guns, the sickness goes away. :D

I am still working on this.


New member
No! There is no cure, because we are NOT a disease!:p :) :p

There is a way to TREAT it, though. Periodically, when the urge hits you really hard, PURCHASE A FIREARM. Take it home, pet it, love it, rub it with an oiled cloth. You'll feel better.:D

However, I will warn you that this affliction will be aggravated SEVERELY by obtaining your CCW permit and/or visiting a shooting range! If you do not want to be plagued with the urge to buy and shoot guns, definitely do not carry or go to the range. Shooting is more addictive than crack, and it's much less economically sustainable! Your CCW permit is really a "gateway drug," leading to strange, new purchases, such as holsters, new mag pouches, extra-heavy belts, and a wide array of duffel bags, conceal-cover jackets, sweaters, and shirts.

I'm sorry this had to happen to you. You seem like a nice person. But, if it's any consolation, it's an awfully FUN problem to have!!!


New member
I too have fallen into the Bobcat craze.
Buying guns since 1999 and recently had the jones for a Bobcat .22.
Finally got one and got a nice holster for it from Don Hume. Now, I am content for a while. The Bobcat shoots my favorite caliber very well and life is good.
Bobcat, remember that name, Bobcat


New member
Just wait, it gets worse. After awhile you start jonesin' (SP?) for a new one. Within a couple of days, you find yourself stopping in at several different gun shops with a few models in mind, telling yourself that you won't buy unless they have one of the guns on your mental list. But then you start seeing other ones that call your name. A day or two later that old milsurp or used S&W gets the best of you and you go buy it. Now you've had your fix. But the next urge will come on faster and harder.

This is scary, but so true!! This thread almost reads my mind. Yeah, I have nothing to do during lunch. Oh, there is a sporting goods store, a gun shop, I'll just go waste some time. Yeah, it is terrible how this thing can get you....



New member
You've got the gun virus

My dad had one rifle and one revolver, and he was satisfied.

Me? I'm up to ten, rifles, shotguns, revolvers, pistols, not to mention the ones I've bought and sold. I'm sure there will be more. This virus is more infectious than "bird flu."

Once you get the gun virus, you're stuck with it, and I don't mind having it. It's rather fun to have.


New member
a young lady just told me that gun buying is not a sickness, but a disorder.

If buying a pistol once in a while is a disorder, then what should we call her going shopping when her closets are already so full she can't fit any more clothes into them?
A maniacal obsession trending toward hysterical possession addiction?

Oh wait, that's my wife.



New member
MY WIFE has a problem with shoes!

She loves shoes!

SO we made a deal, for every 15 pair of shoes she buys, I get a new

sometimes I tell her it is for her!
(she's only picked out 1 pistol she liked.)
I get to shoot and clean and PLAY with ALL of them.


New member
Well, the problem isn't that I've got an interest in acquiring new toys (everybody has that "problem")....the disturbing part is that I have no use for it and don't even like it. I don't like the fact that I have to take off the safety and manually cock it before opening the slide, I don't like the trigger pull, I can't reach the safety properly (lefty) I don't like the location of the mag why do I want it?