Heavy gun causing back trouble?


New member
Yep, I had spinal fusion surgery (L4/L5/S1) in Mar 2007. Long before that, I had thinned my wallet, then moved it from RR to LR and then to LF pocket.

LF pocket is a keeper, but I take the wallet out of my pocket at home and at work, so it spends minimum time in any pocket. I have an S&W 4" M25 Mountain gun on my right hip as I type, (moved from one of two IWBs to OWB, back-and-forth every few days).


New member
Well it's been three days with the Kahr and the relief from the fatigue/pain is real. I didn't mention before but my habit is to carry from the time I get dressed until undressing late at night. Apparently a heavy gun for that many hours is just too much. I also may look into adding a similar weight and size gun to the opposite side for balance.

Appreciate all the input.

tony pasley

New member
Check your foot wear. Improper support for your feet can cause many back problems just like the wrong belt or holster can.


New member
my back used to ache some when I was carrying my xd45c packed to the gills. now I carry either a Kahr CW45 or PM9.....no more back aches, even with the CW45.


New member
I agree with stop carrying your wallet in your back pocket. I have degenitive lumbar vertebra and compressed disks. Had this most of my life. The wallet was the worst culprit. See a doctor, learn the exercises you can do at home, and get a Select Comfort matress. I doubt it's the gun.


New member
I had a similar issue - not from my CC piece, but from the .44 revolver I sometimes carry when out hiking. The answer to my issue was switching from a shoulder holster to a chest-mounted one.

After that experience, I also preemptively changed my CCW from a Ruger SP101 to a S&W 642, then redistributed the other "stuff" I carry in my pants so the weight was more evenly distributed around my belt. I ended up with one of those large keychains carabinered on a belt loop.


New member
I just replaced my arch supports because of back pain. My back pain went away imediately. I went to wally world and did the Dr. Scholl's Foot mapping machine. They were $50.00 for a pair. A lot more expensive than I thought but I think they are worth it.