HCI grades YOUR state and its gun laws


New member
Golly, what would the rating for Switzerland be? Semi-discretionary
issue, no assault rifle bans, gun ownership legal if you're legally
adult, almost impossible to sue gun industry, no registered transfers,
no trigger locks, silencers can be bought (expensive, though), full
auto can be obtained (given you have a socially relevant safe), and of
course, our well-known permit system, which is shall issue and just a
fee if you're not criminal.

But I suspect any HCI 'scientist' would be gladly escorted back to
this plane in Zurich Kloten and sent back to where he came from. :D


New member
Hey, Mike ... if we work on that a bit I think we could get an F next time. There's a batch of Virginians up here; 40 mustered in on GDF today. By the way, I figure a C- is "real careful" and D is "dreadful". But I wonder what "F" signifies (to HCI) ... no I'm not going THERE, thank you. ;)


Indiana and Vermont both got a D-. They are two of the best states. te reason we got that rating instead of the F- we should have is that we have laws against Juveniled buying guns actually on the ooks instead of just relying on Federal law to cover that. So I don't feel to bad :)


New member
How in the he!! did Cali get a B+. With all the BS gun laws we have here we should be getting a A+++ and an award from HCI.


New member
My state got a F- in one thing.. Amazing! Overall it got a B+.

Dead [Black Ops]

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Get real. HCI will NEVER give any state an A+. Even if they achieve their goals of few or no guns in private hands, they'll follow the path of the British anti-gun lobby, clinging to power by trying to make crises out of bb guns and airsoft toys. If they give your state an A+, why should you give them money and power to improve things?

Illinois has everything they will admit to wanting on the national level, and still only gets a B+. Screw 'em.


New member
Nuts, I was hoping we had the F-, rather than F+, whats wrong with these people. Moved to Idaho from the Socialist Republic of New York (thankfully Buffalo rather than the rotten apple). Thought we had the right attitude out here, with the most Republican state in the nation and a senator who is also on the NRA board (Larry Crag). Must still have some work to due to further tweak the HCI crowd. Came close last year, there was a bill to allow CCW holders to carry in schools, got shot down when the newspapers did their thing.

Elker, what part of the state are you moving to? I'm in Coeur d'Alene.
