Have you served your country?

Are you active military or a veteran?

  • Yes

    Votes: 517 71.3%
  • No

    Votes: 208 28.7%

  • Total voters


New member
US Army, 1977 to 1992.

Caught by a combination of not enough education (HS Diploma only at that time) one Article 15 (failure to secure a weapon) and Gramm-Rudman (massive reduction in forces). 15 years active Federal service. Sure wish I could have finished the other five. :(


New member
Army, 65-68. Basic training Ft. Knox. Also D.C. National Guard.
Son, Army, 04-present. Basic training Ft. Knox.
Father, Army, 43-46. Basic training Ft. Knox.
Father in law, Army, 43-46, officer, Army Air Corps (he never went to Ft.Knox)
Wife's grandfather, Army, 17-19 (did Ft. Knox exist then?)
Wife's grandfather's grandfather, Army, The Adjudant General, US Army, until 1861, then The Adjudant General, CSA, 1861-1865.
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New member
Nope never been in. I tried to enlist several times but they wouldn't let me due to a medical condition. One of the great regrets of my life.


New member
I had to vote no because I only became a citizen of the US recently, but would fight for her in a minute. I did serve with Princess Louise's 8th Canadian Hussars...yeah I know a mouthful.......for 2 years. It was an armored recon unit and I got to spend 6 months in Cyprus on UN duty. The UN should be disbanded....thier rules of engagement a joke.


New member
I answered previously that I did serve. Just wanted to thank all those now serving, & past veterans, and supporters. We are only free because we made ourselves free!

.45 Vet

New member
U.S.A.F. 1970 - 1974, Penn. Army National Guard 1978 - 2001

After the age of fifty; your heart may be willing, But your body says other-wise....... :mad:


New member
Was in the Navy from 69-73. My last duty station was the USS Gurke DD783, which was forward deployed out of Japan..did a lot of fire support, bird dogging carriers off Yankee Station, etc. For several months prior to this was assigned to a ship "welded" in "s--t" river (Mekong). Was telling my son about bring back a PBR in which we only found (wrist pin?) in the the remains of the boat. Was watching the history channel when my old commander was talking about this bit of metal that we found. He used it as a paper weight...which brought my wife and son to question just how "old" are you "Dad"...wife was 3 years old when I went to VN, so with 17 years difference between us history is a little more meaningful to me!


New member

I served on a destroyer in the 50s.best time of my life.serving my country and touring the world at the same time.boy do i miss havana before the beard.navy


New member
USN 62-81 First ship was the USS Bennington CVS-20 First "can" was the USS Shelton DD-790. Last ship was the USS Waddell DDG-24.

All my old ships are long gone. The Waddell was used for target practice by the Greek navy last year.


New member
After the age of fifty; your heart may be willing, But your body says other-wise.......

Wait until you are 66. I use to carry a 9.5lb M1, 30lb field pack and my First Sgt. on my back.....now my cell phone feels heavy. However, least anyone want to take advantage of me, I can still lift my Colt 1911 with no problem.


New member
yes i have as a torpedoman on the uss charles j badger DD-657 ...uss Hazelwood DD-531...uss beatty DD-756 the service to my country ended in 1959