Have you ever had a magazine eject accidentally?

I shoot and carry semi-automatic pistols on a regular basis and have...

  • ...never had a mag eject/partially eject unless I intentionally activated the release.

    Votes: 49 51.6%
  • ...rarely had a mag eject/partially eject when I didn’t mean to activate the release.

    Votes: 37 38.9%
  • ...often had a mag eject/partially eject when I didn’t mean to activate the release.

    Votes: 9 9.5%
  • ...urgently needed to deactivate the pistol immediately and used the mag release for that purpose.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


New member
Never had a mag drop free when seated properly. I have had a couple of incidents where I did not seat the mag properly.

Glenn Dee

New member
Walther P22. My trigger finger extends perfectly from the trigger guard to the mag release. I cant put a full mag without ejecting it.

Uncle Malice

New member
One time. With my G23 with the extended mag release. Managed to depress it sitting in a chair somehow (carrying at about 3 o clock)...

Dropped right onto the floor.

This is why I love the HK mag release. :)


New member
I only own pistols with heel magazine releases and I think this design is inherently more immune to the accidents listed above. The down side to this is they do not drop free because by nature the heel release exerts pressure on the mag as it is entering and exiting the mag well. It is an issue of training that really makes no difference in the world of defensive shooting.

Competition though is another thing.


New member
Taurus PT 140 Millenium Pro

A friend bought one of these and we went to the range to test it out. First two clips were fine. After that you couldn't get more than one shot in before it dropped the clip and jammed. Sometimes it just jammed. Pretty sure the pistol was defective. Sold it at a gun show the next weekend.


New member
In over fifty years of shooting semi-autos, rarely, but it has happened. In a situation where you are defending your life and need more than one round or are using a pistol with a magazine disconnect, one time is once too many. Which is why, unless I'm participating in a pistol shooting "game" where a lightening fast mag reload can, perhaps, keep you from losing a point or two, I prefer a magazine brake for serious carrying duties. Unfortunately, aside from CZ (and maybe a few others I'm unaware of), most pistols don't have them and the ones I really like (Third Generation Smiths) have the infernal mag disconnects. Oh well...


New member
on a Glock 26 i had the mag release part way during a timed qualification. Took me a second to figure out what was wrong. After i figured it out, fastest 5 shots i ever made.


New member
Left handed duty holster, sitting in passenger seat, seat belt goes right across holster popping mag button. Dont sit in passenger seat with seatblet anymore.


New member
Never had this problem yet with a handgun. However I did have it happen a couple times with my AR when it was new...not the guns fault...the operator did not fully seat the mags. Have since realized this is not a worn out GI issue with worn out GI issue mags. Slam the mag in hard, problem solved.


New member
I have experienced accidental magazine ejection two times. Both occured while the pistols were being carried IWB holsters. The pistols were SIG Sauer P226 and Jericho 941 F. None of the magazines were ejected completely, they were just ejected partially,so none of them were lost.


New member
No, never have. Furthermore, I don't think it's possible on my new G26.
I'm told the mag release will "loosen up" but I wonder.:confused:


New member
I have hit the mag button a few times when practicing with new guns. That is why I don't carry it until I'm used to it.
I put that I have not, although I have for two situations where magazines were clearly the problem. It never involved inadvertently hitting the mag release.

I had a bad used mag for a Ruger MK II I traded for. It was actually a knock off brand. It just dropped out every couple of shots. Trashed it.

Pierce +2 mag extensions for ten round mags in Glock 26. Fully loaded they did not seat easily. IF I failed to engage them fully it would obviously fall out. I load 11 and go on my way without problems.
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Claude Clay

New member
never in 40+ years

i am very careful to test holsters before wearing them.
sometimes a small modification is needed;
sometimes a holster is unusable.

i can not recall ever unintentionally dropping a mag

seating a mag i found early on that even with a factory mag,
some will insert with 6 and some will not lock in place with
6 (pony pocket lite).
learned to pay attention and test before wearing.

N.H. Yankee

New member
Never a magazine, but one time when I was at the beach I had, thought I was going to go there didn't you:D I have had only one gun that has chronic accidental mag release and that's my Keltec P-11. I cannot tell you how many times the magazine has been about 1/4 -1/2 inch out after I know I had it locked in place. This always happens when it is in my inside the belt holster, and the release is not exposed! Due to this I now carry a XD subcompact inside the belt and use the Keltec for pocket carry if going to the mailbox or somewhere just outside the door.