Have You Ever Done This?


New member
I've never done it, but next time I'm at the gun club, I'd like to do with my Springfield TRP and my buddy's Springfield TRP. I doubt I'd hit much but the berm but it would be fun.


New member
I've done it twice, once with a Colt Frontier Scout .22lr and Uberti .38, and once with a Ruger 9mm (don't remember which model) and a Kahr PM9. My accuracy was atrocious each time. I'd get off a good first shot with my right (regular) hand then flub with my left, which made me lose my aim with the right, etc.


New member
i've done it once, with a mak in each hand. sure was fun, but accuracy was about what everyone else said. not good.


New member
I did it once. Kimber cdp in each hand.

Many dirt clods were wounded.

No targets were harmed in the making of this specticle.
I've done it with my 1911s. Probably looked as stupid as I felt...like an idiot. Fun to do once, SAFELY. Other than that, have no interest in doing it again. I just don't like to goof around while at the range or any time I'm around firearms.


New member
We do it a lot couple times each outing...(we do it safely in tac bays). Its fun but its almost impossible to hit anything. Just make sure the person can control the firearm. You dual wield in a controlled fashion and never just spray all over the place. Make sure the person shooting is keenly aware of the distance between the two pistols, you dont want to shoot yourself

Also remember no range is fool proof. Repeat shots have a good chance of going high and hit someone hundreds of yards beyond the range.


New member
Never tried duel wielding but I've tried shooting my 1911 sideways... first round hit the target high and right of the bullseye, the other six chased each other to the dirt pile. :D


New member
Only Glocks were meant to be fired sideways, thus the phrase "glock-glock." Which also makes "Glock" a not only a noun but a verb, compound verb, and an onomatopoeia.:D


New member
A couple of buddies and I were in the woods at our "range" and I grabbed my 92fs in one hand and my Bersa HC Thunder 9 in the other. Conversing amongst themselves for a moment,all eyes on me the next, as I let loose with both. Magazines empty, smoke hovering, silence, mouths agape. "That's the coolest thing I ever saw!", says Quinn. I looked at the bowling pins still standing 15 yrds away untouched thinking I should have hit something, when an ear shattering blast assaulted the silence. Bowling pin evaporated! Looked to my left, Ed, standing in the offhand position, smoking .50 Desert Eagle clutched in his bear paw smiled. "Let me help you Jarhead." "That's the coolest thing I ever saw!",says Quinn.:cool:


New member
Yes I have, with less than stellar results...



I've done it with impeccable results. Drilled the bullseye out. There were no witnesses, it was a rainy day. I had to wait until a rainy day so I could wear my cloak coat. :D

Onward Allusion

New member
Did it with a pair of 5906s - at the range of course. On a weekday with no one around. Targets were about 10 feet apart. It was hard to aim. I did manage to land all shots on paper of a B-27 at 7 yards, but there was absolutely no grouping for me - not even a shotgun pattern. I think it was pure luck that all 10 shots landed on paper.


New member
Yes, I've done that, only with alternating hands. Shooting one, then the other. I think it works best with two identical guns and the only time I had two that were the same were two long actions S&W M&P revolvers in .38 Special. I think it is a good way to practice shooting with your other hand. For some curious reason I could never get a normal grip with my left hand just holding one gun. But holding two guns, that problem disappears. Accuracy is tolerable as long as the target holds still. All shooting was double action. Haven't tried it with an automatic.


New member
Yeah, I've done it at friend's farm. Took me half of each magazine just to "walk" the rounds on target. Accuracy was...almost non-existant. Somewhat unsafe, it really is a blast though. If you try it, keep an eye on the guns and where they are in relation to each other.


New member
I've done with 2 Glock 19s. Real fun. By the time I walked the rounds onto the old water heater I was shooting, I only had a couple rounds left.

You got to be careful where the guns are orientated. Buddy of mine tried it after I did and got them too close together and chewed both of them up with the rear sights of each other and barked his knuckles.


I've seen Jerry Miculek do it on video with good results. Which just proves he's not human like the rest of us.

In one demo, he fired two S&W M&Ps dry in a few seconds hitting the single steel silhouette target with all rounds fired.

In another more impressive display, he stood between two steel silhouette targets and fired simultaneously at both with revolvers, hitting with all 12 rounds in maybe 2 or 3 seconds. He lined up the right-hand revolver before the timer and then shot it purely from muscle memory while he watched the sights on the left-hand gun.