Have we, as a nation, forgotten??

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Because the majority of the people here want it worried about. This is still a Republic. Until it becomes something else, that's just the way it is, and no amount of frothing at the mouth about the REAL meaning of the Constitution, or the waste of money from a miniscule minority is going to change that.

There are a lot of things that I'd like to see changed. However, I'm bright enough to not waste my effort on tilting at windmills.


New member
That's right. There's no terrorism threat to the United States. Those big buildings in New York that were blown up by airplanes, that was all just a media stunt. Same with that weird-shaped government building that was supposedly hit by an airplane. Just a big fake government/media conspiracy.

And those guys who landed on the moon, that whole thing was fake, too. It was actually just filmed on a set in Hollywood, you know. The government and the media conpired to create the false impression that man has landed on the moon.



New member
Nobody has said there isn't a real threat of terrorism. I find it interesting though that every infringment of our freedom is somehow related to "The War on Terror." This is a war mind you that has NO END. We can suspend rights indefinitely as long as the war is on. Everytime someone questions anything it all comes back to "look out or the terrorists wil get you!"

I think I outgrew the boogieman a long time ago and am finding the constant excuse of the war on terror as a pretty hollow reason for handing over our rights.

Personally I think that if we decide to toss the BoR because of terrorists then they have already won.

Perhaps I could take the "sky is falling" mantra of the adminsitration a little more seriously if they paid the same attention to our completely open borders across which criminals march every day to prey upon American citizens.


New member
Here are some good books to truly understand what we are facing from the radical Islamist. I have the second but haven't had a chance to read it but the first is written by a Lebanese woman who grew up while the Palestenians tore up their country and is rather insightful:

Because They Hate - A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America Briggitte Gabriel

Knowing the Enemy - Jihadist Ideology and the War on Terror Mary Habeck

At least the first I can attest to being good reading in helping to understand why say the moderate Islamist will not speak out against the radicals and why if status quo remains, our society is doomed for failure.

Marko Kloos

New member
Yeah, we're all doomed. The people who can't overthrow their own inept governments will surely destroy the U.S. if we don't carpet-bomb every Muslim country on earth with strategic nukes. :rolleyes:

Thread closed. It started out unproductive, and it hasn't improved any since post #1.
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