Have FFL transfers gone up?


New member
Found a great deal on a p09 free shipping for 467$. Went to a ffl to get a transfer fee. Of which I used this ffl once before and it was 30$ for a Remington 700 action. Now it's 50$ Have times just changed or is this a little high to some?


New member
Alright that's what I thought I've used several FFLs in this area before and thought 30$ was high when I got the action shipped to him. Then went in there today and saw 50$ and was basically out the door. He tried to sell me the gun at retail which would cost me even more. I do get it he's trying to make a living in a rural area like this but he could've met me in common ground. It was pay a transfer fee bringing the gun to 515$ or buy from him for 523$ tax included. Defeats the entire purpose of finding the good deal to begin with.


New member
It was pay a transfer fee bringing the gun to 515$ or buy from him for 523$ tax included. Defeats the entire purpose of finding the good deal to begin with.
I wouldn't call saving $8 a good deal. I would support my local dealer for that small an amount. Plus, you get to hold and check the gun out before you buy.



New member
Yes, Shop around !!!

Understand that the paperwork is the same but it all depends on what the dealer wants to tack on. I use one dealer and it costs me, and everyone else, $10.00 plus tax. Another Dealer charges me $20 to 25, depending on how he is feeling, on that particular day. Our local change store charges $80.00. Again, they all have the same form to fill out. ...... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
Yes but Jim I was looking at 480ish with the transfer if it had remained what it was last I used him. Also this particular ffl has always been pretty high. Case in point when I got that 700 action from brownells he was 10$ over what the smith a couple of miles away charged me. Now he is 20$ over what he last charged me two years ago. I know 10 doesn't seem like much but everything he sells is usually above retail.

It's settled though called a friend of mine that got me my 30cb9 he said he charges 25$. I figured I'll burn 10$ in gas. So I'm gonna order the p07 and p09 and send it to him so I don't have to make two trips. Pay 50$ in transfer fees instead of 100$ and 10$ worth of gas.


New member
$10 to $45 around here (southwest US).

A lot of small manufacturing companies accept FFL transfers on the side. These are the transfers that will cost $10 (with a permit).

They make good money doing this on the side since they don't sell guns at a retail location.


New member
john said:
Realize if you pick up two handguns on the same day he will have to file a report with local law enforcement.

Didn't realize that. I asked a friend about multiple firearms should've asked the dealer. Might wait on the p07 then. I have the money for both that is rather annoying.

Can i order and buy at the same time but pick them up at different times? Considering both are internet purchases?


New member
Gunbroker has a handy FFL Finder where you type in your zip code.

I recommend you email or call the FFL's closest to you to double check they will do transfers on new guns bought from Gunbroker or Bud's and what they charge for their transfers.

I found 2 good FFL's off of there. One dealer I use has a small shop on his 300 acre cattle ranch - 35 miles north of me. He charges me $20 for as many guns as will fill a 4473. Picking up a gun from him usually becomes an all day event and involves having a couple beers and shooting the bull.

Another FFL I use charges $25 per 4473, has a shop in town that is closer to me. He has a good selection of guns and I usually will pick up something else from him.


New member
Realize if you pick up two handguns on the same day he will have to file a report with local law enforcement.

Never heard of this before as well, but it is true.


Apparently a FFL needs to fill out this form if you purchase two or more handguns within five days. It then needs to be sent/faxed to the ATF and local law enforcement.

I feel sorry for FFLs for having to do this additional paperwork and keeping track of customers over a period of five days. I like the people at my gun store and I don't want them to have to additional work.
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New member
I pay $15-$20 at one place and $30 at another....I thought $30 to be high.

The key is to do business with a guy who isn't making the $515 - $523 comparison.

A kitchen table FFL is trying to keep his numbers up on legit transfers, so actually, you are helping them. A store is trying to keep transfers high enough that you buy from them.


New member
Around here I use a kitchen table FFL and he charges me $15 for a transfer and I also use him to mail out guns I sell on gunbroker. The bigger store fronts want $50 for an FFL transfer. One LGS charges $50.00 and 7% sales tax on the weapon even though they did not sell the gun! :confused: I'm all about supporting my LGS but I also will not be taken advantage of.:)