Has Anyone Seen a Stress Crack Like This Before?


New member
Master Blaster has it right .The casting was not cleaned up and you see the texture of the as cast surface. A stress crack would have smooth sides and not be as wide. The photo shows things very well. If you are nervous about it , carefully measure the length of the "crack", if it gets longer with time send it back. But as a metallurgist I don't think there's any problem.


New member
First let me say thanks for the insights. I'm gonna try to take another close-up to see if I can show the "crack" a little differently. Anyway, I've decided to send it back to Ruger as I just don't feel comfortable shooting it anymore. I'll hope for the best regarding the rarity of the gun and see what happens. Thanks again for the help.


New member
Looks more like you got a lemon than anything else. My SBH(cast just like yours) is fairly clean around the firing pin, a bit rough but clean. Though, my gun was made in '81 so.