Harrington & Richardson Handi Rifles


New member
QUOTE by preventec47
I was surprised to read this as I thought with their true hammer
action that the wallop to the primer would be a large one.
This might have an effect on me being able to get a barrel made
or converted to 7.62x 54 for which I have thousands of rounds
of milsurp ammo.

Its not really a true hammer action. The hammer actually smacks a transfer bar, that then hits the firing pin. A great deal of energy is not transferred through the pin.

Hammer springs also have a tendency to be weak, which doesn't accelerate a heavy hammer fast enough in some cases.


New member
Remington bought Marlin/NEF/H&R/LC Smith. Well actually the holding company of Remington did, Cerberus. Remington effectively manages all aspects of the old Marlin/NEF/H&R/LC Smith production.

Cerberus also owns Bushmaster, DPMS, Chrysler, Cobb and a crapload of other companies.


I was about to buy one a year ago, but then dropped the trigger on it a couple of times. Very rough and gritty. Another hundred bucks or so gets you a decent entry level Stevens or Remington cheapo bolt action with a much better trigger.

If you shop the used market like newspaper classifieds, you can find deals even better.


New member
Harrington & Richardson Handi Rifles are single shot. My experience was with a "Topper" in .22 Hornet, in the 1970's. I put a 10X Weaver scope on it and it shot a "Nickel" size group at 150 yards.
There is one thing I was told that makes sence:
The small caliber action will handle small caliber barrels. The large caliber actions will handle large calibers. DON'T EXPECT TO BUY A HORNET AND A NEW 12 GAGE FOR IT.


New member

For the rifles that come from the factory with triggers like that - theres a hammer/trigger trick that you do that fixes it 95% of the time within 30 movements.

Its a matter of working the hammer and trigger together so that the sear smooths out the bearing surface.