Handguns of Our Heros


New member
wow! another phoenix force reader! so maybe my childhood wasn't that twisted :D. i like my ruger Blackhawk mainly because John Taffin holds tehm in high estem. also i wouldn't mind getting a stock 1911, just like Chesty's


New member
The Bren Ten...

Was used on Miami Vice the first 2 seasons. In the Pilot it was a SIG P220 carried in a Bianchi vertical shoulder rig. I fell in love with the Bren from a magazine article, and then it was reinforced by the series. I carry mine now everyday in a Miami Classic, and I still love it.

two I would like to get is the revolver Indiana Jones carried in Raider of the Lost Ark, and whatever the heck it was that the lead carried 2 of in The Mummy.


New member
I'd swear in the dozen or 2 Mack Bolan books I read he
used a .444 Weatherby for the serious sniping.

What did Nick Carter use? I remember he had "Pierre", the 3rd testicle gas bomb, "Wilhelmina" the dagger in the forearm sheath, but I can't remember the pistol...


New member
I bought a Taurus PT-99 because I wanted a Beretta but didn't have the cash. Bought the Taurus because I watched too many Die Hard and Lethal Weapon movies. And, because for all practical purposes, the Beretta 92 design was "ideal" on paper.

Needless to say, that's the last time I buy a handgun because it sounds ideal on paper.

Scott Evans

Staff Alumnus

In the Movie the MUMMY it was a French 1873 11mm DA revolver. I went looking as well.

Also, I nearly purchased a Bren 10 in 1984 because of Miami vise.

Last, and since we’re talking the influence of heroes :)… In 1992 I treated my self to a new AR – 15 in honor of my leaving the Marine Corps after 4 years of service.:D


New member

You should get yourself a Bren Ten. It's the best shooter I've ever had. Big, powerful, controllable, and just plain looks great.


New member
Shansei Broomhandle

There's a noble line of comic book heroes who carry Broomhandle Mausers. One of my favorite "realistic" heroes, Jon Sable, carried a part Schnellfeur part Shansei Broomhandle in .45. I had to buy a Shansei myself as soon as I could afford it. It's nifty, but a little pricier than may have been worth it.


New member
U mean I bought the wrong gun?

Oh well, my young and impressionable mind made a mistake... Well I guess I have to get a Bren ten now.... :)

Bruce Banner

New member
I also bought my Berreta because of lethal weapon; my mini 14 because of a-team and would of bought a Bren Ten if they still were making them when I became old enough to buy one.
And I thought I was the only one that was infatuated with the Bren Ten.


New member
I bought the HK MK23 because..cannot remember
who used one..what's his name..uhh...
I do have a PPK because of "you know who"..