Handguns of Our Heros


Staff Alumnus
I was just thinking tonight if anyone ever bought a special pistol becuase its what your hero used.. you know, why there is a SAA Colt in a gunfighter rig on your safe with a signed picture of the Duke or a "Bond, James Bond" PPk in your formal wear collection.

There was a legendary lawman named Sid Hatfield who carried 2 Colt New Service army revolvers in the Matewan shootout that started the West Virginia mine wars, its one of the reasons I wanted that gun.

Also (hate to admit it) had a thing for the .44 automag before it showed up in Dirty Harry movies, because i was a fan of those Mack Bolan books when I was a teen. To bad the gun isn't as cheap as the books to produce.


Moderator Emeritus

My love affair with the Broomhandle Mauser was influenced by equal parts Winston Churchill and Han Solo. ;)

Oh, and it's all William H. Bonney's fault that I want a Colt Thunderer so badly.

Marko Kloos

New member
Sorry, Harry Callahan's gun was supposed to be a *&* Mod. 29 in "Dirty Harry", .44 Mag with an 8 3/8" tube. The prop guys actually gave him a model 57 in .41 Magnum, because the 29 was not available to them at the time for some reason, and the 57 and 29 are virtually indistinguishable on camera.

Unless, of course, you are referring to "The Enforcer", where he uses an Automag. I don't know for sure whether that particular gun is a .357 AMP or a .44 AMP model, and they never show any brass, but the business end sure looked like a .44 bore to me.


New member
i don't think that happens to me much. what does always crack me up is when i go to one of the ranges i shoot at they have a bunch of handguns in one area that you can rent. the first gun you see is the Walther PPK and i'm sure that's the one that gets shot the most. right behind the gun is a poster from a James Bond movie with him holding a PPK. i bet half the people who try it choose to try the PPK because it's James Bond's gun.


New member
Hey, Dr Rob I used to read Mack Bolan books too when I was young. No James Joyce or Dostoevski for me back then.:) My first automatic was a Browning HP because one of the members of Phoenix Force had one. Also developed interest in Sigs because I believe the Israeli with the hook (Yakov?) had a P226. My first introduction to such exotic weapons such as the Beretta 93-R, HK MP-5, HK G3, the Barrett .50. I developed an interest in weapons at a tender age because of those books. Mack Bolan, Able Team, Phoenix Force, and I think it was called Tracker? Each character had their choice of weapons that was part of their identity.

Miami Vice - Bren Ten: Never had it, but still drool over it whenever I see one.

Lethal Weapon/Die Hard - Beretta 92FS: never knew pistols could shoot so fast until I saw those movies. Sold it, too big for a 9.

Funny though, my personal choices today is the Sig P229 and Glock 27. Never saw them in any movie or book. Guess I've found weapons that I can identify with myself.:D

V.A. Cop

New member
Crocket carried a Bren Ten in the first season and then switched to a *&* 645 for the next two seasons and then a *&* 4506 for the rest of the series and of course he carried them all in the Galco "Miami Classic" oh and lets not forget the Detonics mini 1911 he carried in an ankle holster. Tubbs carried a *&* .38 bodyguard the entire time and he usually backed it up with a sawed off pump 12 guage. I will be giving my age away here but at my Senior Prom almost every guy was wearing a tux from the "Miami Vice Collection".


New member
I read the Bolan books too. Didn't he use a .458 Weatherby as a sniper rifle?

Does anyone know what Nash Bridges shoots? Looks like a .45 with a compensator. Is it a WIlson, maybe?

Glad to see that Miami Vice is back on TNN.

Marko Kloos

New member
In the early 90s, an overdose of Lethal Weapon and Die Hard contributed to my purchase of a Beretta 92F as a carry gun.

A few months ago, I got a hold of another one, a cheap police trade-in, and I bought it out of nostalgia. A fine range gun, just as accurate and mild to shoot as my first one, but I didn't use it as a carry piece for very long. Once you are used to the density factor of polymer guns, there's just something not right with a 40-ounce 9mm in your waistband.

Al Thompson

Staff Alumnus
Just to be different....

I had a Jackass shoulder holster (the original as used in Miami Vice) bought in 1981. A few years later someone asked if I had it due to the TV show. I finally let it go in a swap, as I refused to wear it. Now the durn things are collectors items. Go figure.



New member
lendringser, I don't remember the movie, but one of them had Harry Callahan using the 357 mag.
The gun he is known for is the .44 mag though.


New member
Sorry to burst your bubble but Dirty Harry never carried a .357.
In one of his films, (Magnum Force?) I believe it also starred David Soul from Starsky and Hutch, carried a Colt Python (.357) but Dirty Harry only tried it out in a shooting competition.

But can you believe Clint Eastwood carried a Sig P228 9mm in In the Line of Fire? Elmer Keith rolled over on his grave on that one.:)

*Oh,and by the way when is Miami Vice on in the West Coast?


New member
In the book's Harry Callahan used a 357,Tubb's had a sawed off double barrel in Miami Vice and in Nash Bridges Nash is useing a Colt 38-Super Now I bought a Rossi rifle in 45 Colt like the Duke's and yes I know his was a 44-40 but it still look's the same..


New member
Actually, the pilot episode of Miami Vice had Crockett using a SIG P220:). The Bren 10s are cool looking, but hear they didn't hold up well w/the original "Norma" 10mm load. Too bad, probably would do well with todays mild 10mm stuff for those lucky folks who currently own one. DAMN you lucky people!:)

I always wanted one of those rifles/grenade launchers that the Marines used in ALIENS:D.