Handguns having an accessory rail

I have seen were a few do not like/want this option on their weapon. I was interested in why?
A few posts spoke concerning a mounted flashlight. They stated how they would desire to direct a light at a potential target, but not be aiming the barrel at it. I can understand this thinking.

But please weight in on the other accessories. What about mounting a laser on the rail? Pros and cons on why you would or would not do this are appreciated.

And lastly, if you had no intentions of using a mounted light or laser, would that invalidate the desireability of have the rail for some future use? I can imagine that it is not as 'de-horned' as much as a carry piece might benefit from -- but is this a deal breaker?

Thanks for your thoughtful input!


New member
It may be generational but I don't own any handguns with rails on them. While lights and lasers are very "tacticool", I learned to shoot the old fashioned way and have never changed. I actually came very close to buying a Taurus 1911 with rails as it was priced very well but the rails in that case were a deal breaker as it wouldn't fit any of the holsters I have.

A laser or light on a nightstand gun is probably of value to a great many folks but I just don't feel the need...


Very seldom will you be shooting in complete, total blackness. That's where the laser sight will come in handy. To me, though, there are a lot of cons to a laser.

1. They add bulk and weight to your gun.
2. Watching the light point jump around on the target as you try to steady your aim is distracting.
3. You can't see the light point in bright daylight. If you come to rely totally on it, you'll be lost.
4. They're damned expensive!

Flashlights and tactical lights...good for lighting up the target. Also good for giving the perp a good point of aim. Again, you'll seldom be shooting in total blackness. Like the laser, they add weight and bulk.

Some guns come with rails, some don't. Those that do are as " concealed carry friendly" as the ones without.


New member
While it is not a deal breaker for me, I don't care for rails(especially the 1913/piccatinny rails). I have had guns with, but they are now gone.

I wish it was an option on all guns, especially when buying new. If I had both in front of me I pick the non-railed. I have a streamlight hanging above my bed(next to my "zombie-slayer"), I would much rather have light in hand!

It is not a deal breaker for me, but it's not a sought option either.Unfortunately this seems to be the common trend right now, and finding guns(especially polymer) without, is getting harder.


New member
I don't mind them on polymer pistols like Glocks & XDs. For some reason, I've always preferred steel or alloy pistols without them. I think that 1911s & Sigs look nicer without the rail. So far, I've never used the rail for a light or laser so I'm not losing anything if I don't have one. I am gaining a better looking pistol imo though.


New member
Rail? Rail?

Rail? Rail? I don't need no stinking' rail! :barf:

Just having fun! :)

Everyone has different needs based upon their own perceived beliefs and circumstances.

I am not Swat, Military, Bad Guy or Ninja nor will I ever go offensive on someone. That said, my need for a firearm is for defensive self protection on my property, while traveling or where I can legally carry a concealed sidearm in public. I adhere to a weekly range sessions and practice with a TPS shotgun, Sig carbine and my pistols. None of my pistols have a rail, but I'm not opposed to a rail, I just don't need one and here's why.

The only place that I would need a light would be inside my home ... that's it. On my nightstand next to a high capacity pistol in .357sig I have a rather large 4D Mag-lite that's been upgraded with an LED bulb. The Mag-lite serves two purposes; One to assist with a very bright instant on/off blinding light which is completely controllable both in position and time without my needing to aim my sidearm to "aim the light" at the same time. Two, it makes for a very good secondary weapon as a club.

I think lasers are interesting, but I don't want to rely upon an aid that could work or not. lasers add bulk and it's something else you have to apply mental effort to turn off and on at various times depending on situations. I'm not opposed to lasers, I just don't need one.

I guess when it's all said and done, when it comes to self defense, I employ the KISS strategy. A rail would not keep me from buying a particular gun, but on the other hand, I would not go out of my way to buy a gun with one.



New member
It's an individual preference. I won't have them on my metal framed pistols. It's just too hard to find good holsters that accept rails. I can take or leave them on polymer pistols. Some that compete complain that rails snag and slow their draw, but it's not something that I can confirm or deny.

I'm also not a fan of rail mounted lasers. Lasers are a wonderful tool but I like them in the grip where all I have to do is tighten my grip to activate them. Weapon mounted lights I can take or leave but I'll admit to having one on my bedside .45 and another on my bedside shotgun. I also have a high quality and very intense stand alone flashlight there to. I'm a believer in that it's better to have a tool with you that you didn't need, than not to have a tool that you wound up needing.


New member
I buy guns that I like the look, feel and performance of. Rail/no rail is a tertiary factor. PErsonally I think 1911s look better without a rail, but I think sigs look better with it. regardless, I think its better to have the option to attach a light / laser and not want to then to not have the option and want to.


New member
I have one handgun that has a rail, never used it and probably will not. I do not use or have a need for a rail mounted light or laser
Rails dont bother or sell me on a gun. If they have them then great if they dont no big deal.

* They do add weight/bulk
* They are expensive
* They are another piece to break down.
* May want to light up something w/o pointing the muzzle at it.
* They dont fit in any of my present holsters.
* Frees up a hand for openign doors etc.
* Convenient



New member
The only guns I have with rails - are my Sig 226's - and I like they way they look with the rails / but I'll never use them for anything. I'm not into hanging a light or lazer offf of a gun ..... not my style, but I understand why you might want to do it.


New member
I don't think a handgun needs a lot of the modern additions manufacturers have included for marketing purposes, like rails. They add to the weight and blockiness of a gun that is usually intended for concealed carry. Rails aren't a deal breaker, but I do not like them. Yes I have a few with rails, but I won't be attaching anything to them.

Other needless additions include:

Front Slide Serrations

Huge, square serrated trigger guards


New member
something I would use is a product like the GI stealth on my rail. Though sans light:


Moe Howard

New member
While it can ruin the looks of some guns and add weight to some that are already heavy I really like having the option of putting a light on the gun. Right now my M&P is the only gun I have that has a rail ( the Sigma does not count since the rail on it is useless). There are those who don't like them since it gives a BG a target to shoot at, but if there is a bump in the night I have to grab a flashlight my gun and my glasses. A rail mounted light lets me grab just the gun and my glasses.

Boris Bush

I just got my first gun with one a while ago. A P22 that came with a lazer. My wife likes it (for her anyway), and it makes shooting alot easier for her. It is designed for the gun and looks good and actualy makes it balance good with the lazer on it.

While I like it on hers I probably will leave it off unless that is the only way I can get it...........


New member
That my SP-01 has a rail had nothing to do with why I bought it and I have no interest in mounting anything on it in any event.


New member
My p226 has a light rail on it. I purchased, specifically for this gun, the x300 light. As it already has ctc grips, I don't need the rail for a laser.
I must say that it is a mistaken idea that one would have to point the gun at someone to illuminate them with the x300. Just having that thing on in a dark room lights a LOT of area. The light seems to have a focused beam and a broad beam overlapping. I think that spotting someone in the broad beam would give sufficient light to identify whether or not you wanted to focus the narrow beam on them, i.e. point the gun at them.


New member
Sig Sauer says rails are sexy, civilians love them.......must believe this, pass the kool-aid and look at the pretty gun pron. Ooooh Rails....


New member
Handgun rails? I'm not fond of them, and for reasons that others have already explained I have no use for them. I do have guns that have them, though. I just ignore them.