Handgun Ammo


New member
Hi Guys,

Its been quite a while since I was on here last. I was wondering if there is still the massive shortage on handgun ammo we had since before Mr. Obama took office. I figure I can afford to buy ammo and maybe a new handgun now that my higher end gaming computer is done ;-))

Mr Lucky

New member
Not much of a shortage of any ammo. FMJ is plentiful in most handgun calibers.

Prices remain generally higher than 2008 even with an influx of foreign made imported ammunition.

Gun prices have increased for some brands while others have dropped.


New member
Seems to be plenty of ammo. I broke down and bought a 100 pack of .45ACP at Wally's yesterday. WWB, $35 plus tax. A little higher than 2007, but not any higher than it has been since the 2008 election. There is plenty of it now, apparently. I probably bought up 4000 rounds in the last two years, buying 50-100 at the time, 'cause that was usually all any given WM had on hand. I said I was going to quit buying, but I just can't seem to help myself. ;)

I am old now, and my children and nephews and nieces will probably wind up shooting a bunch of my ammo. That's OK, though. I just don't intend to run out. I have been hoarding since the "Clinton Scare" of 93-94. Ammo and components.

My advice to you youngsters: buy what you can now. It ain't going to get a bit cheaper, and as we have seen, it doesn't take much to precipitate a shortage. Buy a little bit every month. If you normally shoot 100 rounds per month, try to buy 200 rounds. If you shoot a whole lot more than that, you need to be reloading, and you need to hoard components. If you own a couple of rimfire rifles and handguns, you should be putting back at least one 550 bulk pack every month. I figure everybody should have a minimum of 10,000 rounds of .22 rimfire on hand.

I am shooting .45 ACP hardball marked $8.99 per 50, .22 rimfire marked $9.99 per brick, and using primers marked $8.99-$9.99 per box. It sure is nice to be shooting that cheap ammo, but I'm still buying.
Finding some cartridges can still be something of a chore. I'm hearing that .380, while a lot more available and a lot more reasonably priced than it was last year, is still problematic for some people.

Primers are showing up in significant quantities again, and prices are slowly slipping back to where they were two years ago, putting the lie to the claims by some who said that primer prices would NEVER go down again because the industry and dealers saw what we were willing to pay.

Right. :rolleyes:


New member
Lots of ammo, primers and powder on the shelves now.On average pistol ammo is about $15/50 for FMJ.

Redlevel42 is right, ammo does not lose value, and in the last 30 years at least it has steadily gone up (some dips, but overall up). Inflation has been about 10% over the last year on consumer goods and may go higher in the next year.

The sooner you buy it the cheaper it is likely to be. I would not count on any more reductions. Some small reduction may occur in the next few months, but I would not count on it.


New member
I just ordered .40 ammo online from cheaperthandirt.com. usually I go to WM but their .40 ammo has been increasing in price, so I just bought 300 rounds just to kind of stock up. I don't have the pleasure of shooting as much as I would like, so that should last me a little while :(



I can't recall any White House press briefing or any public function in my entire lifetime where the POTUS was ever called; "Mr. ..."
The title President is a sign of respect and like other titles; Judge, Gov, Dr, General, etc is used even after the person no longer holds the position.

It's a tad off topic but fair is fair, ;).
OK, this is way off topic, but since it's right up my alley, I'll allow it and address it.

From the NY Times Style Manual:

“It is President Lamm (without a given name) in a first reference to the current president of the United States. In later references President Lamm; the president; Mr….Lamm”

Using Mr. after the first reference to President is perfectly fine.

Other news organizations have their own styles, or follow the Associated Press Style Book.

The Washington Post uses President Obama on the first use, and then simply Obama on subsequent uses. That, I believe, is AP Style.

So... It's perfectly fine to use Mr. Obama after the first reference to President Obama, and has been for at least as long as I've been reading newspapers.

That said, this entire conversation is off topic, so if any subsequent discussion needs to take place, please take it to PM.

Any other messages on this conversation will be deleted.



New member
was at Cabela's a few weeks ago and the shelves were overflowing ... picked up a few 50-rd boxes of S&B FMJ 9mm for the range at $9.95 each ... the only thing they didn't have that I wanted was Hornady Critical Defense in .45 ... seems it's a pretty popular round ...


New member
Just got an email notice from Natchez that they are selling Blazer Alum for about $9/50 and Brass for $10/50. That is really a new low price.

This could be a fantastic dip in prices before inflation kicks in after QE2. If you can't afford gold bars, then get more ammo. :D I notice more retial stores offering 2 for 1 or buy 2 get 1 free specials. How about for rifles and amm0?

Let's hope reloading components start to come down further as ammo prices go back to pre-election levels.


Winchester Ranger T 127gr +P+ JHP; 9mm(9mmNATO)...

All I know is I was able to snag 2 50rd boxes of the hard to find Winchester Ranger T 127gr +P+ JHP in 9mm, ;).
The prices were good and the order process was fast & smooth.
I wanted to buy a few boxes of Ranger T 127gr +P+ JHP 9mm in 2009 but there were no open sources for the LE ammunition.


Active member
There is plenty of whatever kind of ammo you want around. Gunshows, online, gun shops, and sometimes Walmart. It costs what it costs. Supply isn't a problem as long as you aren't too price sensitive. I typically order from ammoman.com.


New member
Yeah, the retailers are stocking more stuff, still priced at the "we can't get anything" level. I consider near-empty shelves with ammo priced $40/box, as the same thing as full shelves still priced at that level; not interested. Went to a gun show, and saw lots of primers, some tables groaning with them, some priced at $40 or even $50 per 1000. I paid less than that when you could get primers only if you wanted to wait six months to a year for them. Supply and demand works both ways.


Active member
There's going to be a growing glut of ammo, and a much larger growing glut of reloading supplies.

The real problem is that Obama and the Fed are in the process of printing monopoly money devaluing your dollars. This means that prices will continue to go up on ammo. I'd normally say don't bother stocking up, but prices haven't gone up much at all over the past couple of years (after the big run-up). Today's prices are going to look cheap in 1 year.

Mr Lucky

New member

I don't see much hoarding yet. I am seeing more ammo sales. This of course is hunting season too. I just had an order for 400 rounds of Hornady .50 BMG A-Max, 750 gr. New. For the price, he could have bought 4 Dillon XL 650's.
My price mark-ups will remain as always at the same percentage markup of what my wholesale price is. So far, prices have gone down this year.