Had a confrontation the other day,


New member
Smart Move

That was a smart move you pulled, I really think if that was me I would have shot the dog in the leg, and just as the man would have came running after me I would gave him one right in the knee cap.


New member
I believe there are different rules of dog engagement between the cities, the burbs, and the rural areas. I live in a suburban area, and I can say from experience that people who use their dogs as neighborhood bullies suck! I applaud your constraint. As much as I would have wanted to shoot the dog (and I would have if it continued and attacked me) I wouldn't have shot it while its owner was there to remove it. He might well have been armed, or come back later armed.

I am a utility worker in the Philadelphia area. Unfortunately, I am not allowed to carry on the job, so I have resorted to other means of dog protection (many aren't woth the price of ammo anyway). A little while back, I had an angry homeowner send their dog after me while I was disconnecting their service on a pole in their back yard. I very clearly informed the woman that when I cam down the pole, that if the dog was still there trying to get at me, I would kill it. She refused to bring it in. I used my attitude adjuster (2 pound lineman's hammer) to resolve the conflict with the dog. The next guy who climbs that pole will have a dog free work environment...


New member
Well done, Mark.

It's called de-escalation and it is the right thing to do when you are in a confrontation. *Especially* when you are carrying a firearm.

But you didn't need me to tell you that...


got my vote as well.......

I was in a situation with a relative. I figured out the the best solution is for law enforcement to handle it. That way if he gets out of line the police can use legitimate force and pepper spray and all that nasty stuff on him. I get the joy of watching. I had to call the police three times...now he behaves because he knows that I will call the police. He learned that police can and will defend themselves. :D He found he prefers the easy way instead of the officers having to do things the hard way. That silence and peace are golden.

So my first resource if I can deescalate the situation is going to be call the police.

The Immortal

New member
Markj, I commend you for your self-restraint and composure. The story you have told should be an example to all those that carry. Do not think of yourself, as a coward, just because you have the power, does not mean you have to use it.

Good Job!


New member
That was a smart move you pulled, I really think if that was me I would have shot the dog in the leg, and just as the man would have came running after me I would gave him one right in the knee cap.

Hmmm, are you right in the head?

I have been bit before, I have been chased by dogs before, I have been both at the same time and then yelled at by the owner for "making his dogs mad" (what the hell is that). But I would never shoot a dog or person unless the crap has really hit the fan and there is no way out (feral dogs and cats are another story).

If a shot is fired you are going to be facing a cop at least and a good chance of meeting the judge for just shooting the dog. You have a great chance of meeting the judge and jury if you "give him one right in the knee cap".

No thanks, I don't find shooting dogs all that sporting.


New member
Although your story would have been interesting if it had ended with a shootout, you did what you should have done.


New member
Although your story would have been interesting if it had ended with a shootout, you did what you should have done.

LOL, we're just like NASCAR or hockey fans, we only come here for the fights and wrecks!


New member
... I really think if that was me I would have shot the dog in the leg, and just as the man would have came running after me I would gave him one right in the knee cap.


I hope that was a heavy dose of sarcasm. If not, it was a heavy dose of idiocy. :rolleyes:


New member
OK I've been following this thread since day one and I have to ask why it took you 2hrs to go out and find out why a dog was barking in your yard??? Did the new neighbor think he could just let his dog run anywhere just because your out in the country?? I grew up in the country and strange dogs coming around the house meant usually that someone had dropped them off because they didn't want them anymore and they were looking for something to eat, and we lost plenty of chickens and ducks to strays. We've had feral dogs that the Sherriff and game wardens both have said to shoot on sight as they were killing livestock. So either the country you live in is different from the country I grew up in or your not really out in the country. Not trying to come down on you but where I live stray or pet dogs on someone else's property get what they deserve.


New member
why it took you 2hrs to go out and find out why a dog was barking in your yard???

Simple, I thought it was my dog barking :) but after that length of time I thought maybe somehting was going on, I had just bathed and put to bed my young son.

On a great new note they have been asked to move and the place is back on the market :) dogs horses etc all moving. Neighbor to the north of me told me he had a flat, took the tire off found a horse shoe nail in it, now nobody uses these except those folks sooooo. Needless to say we all are glad they are moving, anyone want a 13 acre spread wit hhouse and outbuildings :)


New member
Sorry Dude but if one of my dogs was barking for 2hrs I'd have had to go out and either shot the dog or whatever he was barking at. :eek: I've got a BS dog that my son brought home and he seldom ever barks, but when he does you had best find out why.:D