H&K - Problem??


New member
The pin cant start to "work its way out" during firing, it has extra metal that the slide encloses around besides the 1/4'' gap when you pull the slide half way back, and on my USP even with the slide in that position, it takes a decent amount of force to get that pin to move. I don't see how this could be an issue, HK's field strip like most modern semi autos.


New member
All mechanical items will have failures. H&K Handguns are some of the best in the World.;) I have Kimbers a Para along with a Sprindfield XD and two H&K USPs .40&.45 never a problem with my H&Ks.:)


New member
I don't see how the take-down pin/slide release can come out while shooting. It does not compute with my experience.