Guys, just thought I'd let you know...


New member
As of yesterday, I weigh 279. That's down from 380 on January 5. I'm now more agile, the BP meds are outta here, my cholesterol is at the "high normal" area, and I feel better than I have in 10 years... It's gonna take a bit more to fit in an "off the shelf" highpower shooting jacket, but now at least I can walk from the range shack to the firing line, in this heat, without passing out...


New member
Well, I just got to thinking that it doesn't matter how good a shot I am or what sorta defensive mindset I have if I have a heart attack when someone starts shootin' at me...

Basically it was a normal protein/good fats/VERY restricted carbohydrate ketogenic diet (similar to the Atkins diet). No sugar, no potatoes, no flour, etc... Can have most meats, cheeses and eggs, salad, etc... Butter instead of margarine - basically, if it is more or less "natural" and isn't a carbo, you can eat it... Cholesterol went from above 280 to about 230, with a sizable increase in the amount of the "good" kind... (got turned onto this way of eating when my boss went on the diet to control his cholesterol - it seems backwards, but it works).

Basically, I eat pretty well... Steaks, bacon & eggs, etc... Just no donuts, no toast, no fries, etc... You don't have to be hungry... Had a 3-egg ham & cheese omelet and six strips of bacon for breakfast...

One good side effect is that I don't go in fast food joints anymore, so if someone decides to hold one up...


New member
Good God! And I was so proud of my 30 pounds. That is magnificent Bogie. I too hope to one day be half the man I am now.


New member

I at one time was 300lbs and went down to 235lbs.
That was just with proper diet and a LOT of cardio(1 1/2 worth).

After that I hit the gym and started lifting, 2 years later I am 250lbs and have never felt better in my life.

To sum up, I know what you are going through. The hard work and dedication are worth it, you've gotten a small glimps of the fruits of your labor. Always remember that there is more out there to grasp for!

I'm behind you, keep going and you'll meet your goal!


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Man, that's great to hear. I want to get back to 250, which sounds fat but is really a pretty natural weight for me. I think my ideal weight is around 210. I've been to 230 and at that weight I was in pretty good shape.
I hope I have your strength. When I get below 300, I'm getting a Turkish Mauser. :D


New member
Way to go, Bogie!!!

Man, I'm working down from about 400, so any news like yours is really motivational!

I'm watching the diet, doing taekwondo 3x per week with my 3 kids, and lifting 1-2x per week.

Sure seems to take longer to get it off than to put it on! Keep up the good work!



New member
Good for you. Keep up the good work! One caviat: No diet should make you stop eating fruit or whole grains entirely.


New member
Way to go, Bogie!!

What was the one thing(if there was any one) that pushed you over the edge to start? My older son (he's 24, and a new dad) is about 90 pounds overweight. He weighs about 280, and should be ~190. He's about 5-11, with a big frame, but at 280, he's just plain fat. (I'm about 5-9, 180, his mom is 5-3, ~105. Son #2 is 22 years old, 5-4, 145-150; solid as a rock. Go figure)

I try to (gently) encourage him to reduce, but until *he* makes a conscious effort to shed the weight, there's not much mom and dad can do but pray for his continued good health.

Anything you can offer?



New member

after reading a thread or two here,and one at blade i decided to give it a go too.
dropped about fifteen pounds in 3 weeks or so.
im not even REAL into it...

im going outside to lift weights now.



New member
I am one of those fortunate souls who carries weight spread across a 6'3" frame. So I can be well overweight and not show it much.

Well, I think I've found the proper motivation to lose weight. I want to lose 2" around my beam so I can IWB carry. I do not want to buy new pants particularly when I need to lose anyhow.

I'm doing the walk/run/dumbell routine and I feel heaps better. No evidence in measurements, yet.

Thanks for serving as an example!


New member
im also 6'3" or 4",but weigh about 300 :(
like i said im trying to get rid of it.
when i hit 250 im buying a sebenza...or maybe a CZ .22 rifle :D

i have just gotten to where i cant stand it anymore. the slightest phsyical activity and i start to breath heavy (not helped at all by minor asthma)

so,im working on it :)


New member
I like the new gun (or knife) as weight loss motivator! What a great way to get it OK'd by my wife. :) I'm 6'2" and about 215, I'd like to drop about 10-20 to make IWB carry easier also. Bogie: you are an inspiration! Keep us updated, it's motivating.

- Gabeee