GunTest Magazine and Ruger


New member
Basing an opinion on a sampling of one (out of 10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000) is not good science. Statistically you haven't done anything.

That said, if it falls apart in their hands - I would have my doubts about buying it. I no longer subscribe to Gun Tests after a couple of their reviews that were way off the mark with what I had experienced (both good and bad).


New member
"Gun Tests" should be looked at subjectively. I am only concerned with their experiences with reliability & reasonable accuracy. If that tests out OK, I handle the gun before buying it. At least I know it probably won't malfunction or break.


New member
Ruger Autos...

Ruger has always made good revolvers, and their .22 autos are hard to beat. The P-89/95's were good guns. The .45's are, by and large, crap.

I make this statement based on 11 years of training cops with whatever they wanted to drag to the range. I have seen more Ruger .45's go down over magazine/mag release failures (by failures I mean coming apart, or falling out in pieces on the ground) than any other .45. while I haven't seen it myself yet, I am reading reports of the slide stops working out of their polymer .45s.

If you want a good DA .45, buy a Sig and only cry once. Works, feeds, shoots great, nice trigger right out of the box.