Gunshow vs online vs local shop prices.

Which offers the best $$ right now for specific handgun(s) you would like to get.

  • Gunshows

    Votes: 10 19.2%
  • Online dealers

    Votes: 22 42.3%
  • Local shops

    Votes: 17 32.7%
  • They're all overpriced so I'm waiting

    Votes: 3 5.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
Over the last 6-8 months my survey of prices at gunshows vs online sellers vs local shopsp put local shops in last place with the highest prices.

Couple of months back I would have said gunshows were higher than online sellers but a week ago the trend was reversed.
Gunshow prices were lower on the 3-4 firearms I have been keeping an eye on.

What is going on in your area if you've been shopping.
If the 3 options are are there for you which is cheaper, gunshows, online sellers or local shops.


New member
After factoring in Gas and tickets (for the shows) cost and transfer fees (for on-line deals), I've found my best deals at my local dealer. As an added plus, if I have a problem with a gun I buy at my local dealer's, I can go back to him and work it out. No such luck with a gunshow or on-line deal.


New member
I agree that the online stuff looks good until you add $50 for shipping and FFL fees.

I can ususally find a decent price if I shop around all the Denver dealers. The same store with outrageous prices on one gun will have the best price on another.


New member
The extra you pay at the local dealer is usually made up for in customer service several times over.

I'm talking the small "gun shop" , not the suburban sporting goods super giant mega store.



New member
I'm lucky enough to have two great local small shops - not only do they go out of their way, they are reasonably competitive as well.

And so far the shows I've been to seem overpriced to begin with.


New member
Maybe it's just a local thing, but at all the gunshows arround here I can only find used car salesmen working the weekends selling "rare" guns for 20% more than what I can find them at the local dealers for.

John DR

New member
The biggest thing I can attribute to local dealers is they'll be there next week or next year if you have any problems with your purchase.
Shop your local dealer, if you don’t, he might not be there when you NEED him!
Also the gun shows in Michigan won't allow CCW, Go figure the same people that make A living from us don't trust us.
I will not go to A gunshow.
At the rate their going they won't have to fight the government about shuting them down, they'll do it all by them self's!


New member
Online is by far the best priced where I live. I was pricing a Sig226 and it is ~$200 more locally than online. Guess guns are overpriced in the SF BayArea, just like everything else here.


New member
I'm lucky to have two good local shops. They both recognize me when I come in and will give me a good deal if I am really interested in a particular item. It is hard to put a price on customer service, or just being able to window shop and BS with the guys (or woman) behind the counter. Don't be afraid to haggle a little bit. They won't sell it to you if they aren't going to make a profit.


Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
I had to vote for "local shop", cuz as I stated in a previous
post; I have a good one here in central BamaLand. Nice,
friendly, courteous owner's and operator's; with some
"down to earth price's".

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
In my experience a good relaionship with my local gun shop is the best. I never seem to see any good deals at the gunshow. Most times more expensive and then if you buy a lemon your stuck. Seen it too many times. Unless you are dealing with a local gunshop that does gunshows then you may see some sales.

I don't buy guns online. Seems like too much hassel and I want to see and work the action of a weapon before I buy it.

These are just my preferences. Others obviously vary! :cool:


New member
I usually find the best prices on the web. But I dont mind paying a little extra at my local shop. Go back and forth..


New member
I find prices cyclic. Store of any size, Pawn shop, Swap meet, Estate sale, On line, Distributor etc etc.

Can find the highest and lowest at any of the above. Timing and luck.

My straight shootin local gets first crack.



New member
Once in a while you come across a good deal at a gun show, but now a days thats rare. On the net the best thing is to advertise on several of the boards, be very specific about what you want, and you can get a nice deal after you sort through all the dealers who want their version of MSRP.
My local dealer is always there, he's reasonable, and most often sells cheaper than the net and gun shows. He backs his sales, and is always there to help. I almost always get my stuff from him unless its something rare that he can't find. Hes now a friend, even flys me over to eastern Oregon to do some varment shooting.


New member
I don't find good deals at gun shows anymore. Whenever possible I go through my local guys. They know me, they treat me right. That said, I wanted a new nickel Colt SAA, and none of my local dealers could get one in a timely fashion. I found one on web and paid considerably less for it than the prices they were quoting, assuming they could even get it.


New member
I have found some imports, SAR, Mak, etc., cheaper on-line, but then I have to pay a local fee, background, local sales tax, etc.
On most guns, local dealers have the best prices.

New Ruger Blackhawk stainless, 4 5/8" barrel, list $530, local dealer price, $405.


New member
Seems like some of the prices for handguns here has increased since 9/11. I have been finding better prices in this order so far.

1)Online shopping. For instance a Taurus 605 in .357 online for $226 blue unported which is what Im looking for. Local shops are all above $300 new. Found a used one for $250 but it was beat up.

2)Prices are still decent at gunshows but they have risen a few dollars. Its still cheaper for me to buy online. Even with the entry fee and sales tax its still cheaper for shipping and transfer fees($25) buying online.

3)Gunshops here have increased their prices since Sept. For instance, I found a nib CZ 75 at a local shop and he wanted $450 for it. Was the basic model. Not the PCR or Combat. Thought that was way high. Maybe some of you Tucsonians can point me to a place where the prices are not sky high.


New member

Prices and opinions are all over the place.

The local shops here in Big D are all over proced and their CS has been underwhelming. i would love to find a good local shop but can't stand to pay RSRP or more and then have them treat me like they are doing me a fav.

The shows have been sky high till lately but people have not been buying in droves and I'm starting to see improvement. Several models I have been following were actually less at the most recent show. Still not many takers.

Online prices are up when I did a history of closed sales. Which makes no sense. 95 % of the sales timed out without a bid. Go figure. I don't have a problem buying over the net. If the gun comes with a warrently I'll send it to back to the factory...which is what a local does anyway. If the online dealer is doing things like taking out a magazine I can't get the factory to replace it. Just
e-Screwed I guess.

Thanks for your opinions. Wish I had a good semi-reasonable priced dealer locally.


New member
As a matter of personal preference....

There about six very nice gun/pawn shops in my local area. I may pay a little more $$$ on the up-front in a gun shop but I like most of these guys and I want them to do well.

I get little perks like range ammo thrown in the deal, good advice, good "bench-racing" and that personal touch that is missing over the internet and often at gun shows.

I've read many posts complaining about the lack of knowledge and expertise of sales staffs in gun shops. Not so in my area. These guys go way back and generally know their products.


New member
One of our local gunshow vendors sells most handguns at $20 over cost. Local gunshops want 10-15% over their order price, plus transfer fees. Used guns are another matter. I've gotten the best deals on used guns by buying at gunshops.