Gunshop story: What do you think?


New member
a shop i used to buy from ALOT gypped me on a range membership($200), supposed to get 1yr free shooting at their indoor range with the purchase of a firearm.
i was told to take my receipt to the range, but they had already closed. the next day i was told they were no longer offering the deal, i should have come the day before.

well needless to say i was mad, i had paid about $50 more on this gun than elsewhere just to get the range membership.

i bought 2 more guns in the next month($1500) at their competitor's shop.
then i posted it on their website about what deal i had gotten.


New member
Well you got satisfaction to a degree... even though unless

you have purchased extra mags you will be with out a gun for a while... since you won't have mags for it.

This is what I would do, just to have the final word. I would write a letter to the gun store manager / owner and tell them what happened and even accept some responsibility for the mistake... then explain how their customer service in dealing with your complaint sucked and you will never be buying anything from them again... not only that you will tell your story to every other gun owner you meet and recommend they not use the store either.

If these folks are the idiots you described then they will do nothing... if they are any kind of a business person they will contact you and make you happy. Word of mouth advertising is the absolute best there is... but someone bad mouthing your business is absolutely twice as bad.


New member
Back before the Clinton-era AWB sunsetted, there was a fellow on Auction Arms (if memory serves) that was selling new CZ75B pistols with one magazine. This was when the CZ was packed with 1 10-round and 1 15-round magazine. Guess which one got plucked for sale later at an inflated price? Right on the first guess, the 15-round mag. Of course, the price did not get reduced, so the pistol was sold with one 10-round mag.

I say that CZ-USA did well by saying "Send in the 10-round mags, and we will send you the 16-round mags that should have been there". that is what breeds customer loyalty. I have a number of 10-round mags for my CZ pistols, and they get taken to the range every time. No waste at my place.


New member
I'm glad to see CZ took care of it. It's been my experience they have excellent customer service.

For some reason my 75 is polished. Not that I'm complaining, I love it. Just odd.


New member
I can tell you that on Taurus and Beretta 9mm double stack mags, you can tell the capacity because the metal sides of the magazine are dished inward, preventing the magazine follower from going the full length of the magazine.

Many magazines have witness holes, numbered, so at a glance, you can see how many rounds are in them. Many 10 rd mags built for a hi-cap pistol don't have the witness holes higher than 10.

Another way are the horrific markings and stampings that warn about altering the magazines for capacity larger than 10 rounds. Some hi-cap mags from the days of the AWB are marked for LE only.

Or, to put it another way...
There's LOTS of ways to check them.

The problem that sticks in my craw with this situation is that the buyer ASKED capacity and was specifically told "16" and that should be the answer. It's great that CZ is stepping up, but I'd love to see a grass roots attack on principle.

It's too bad there's not a slew of locals that could gather. Imagine 6 guys, or 8, or more... all file in, all fondle all kinds of goodies, maybe even gather arm loads of expensive gear, BUT then all make very specific references to this situation and walk away from all sales.

Something, ANYTHING, to make the point.


New member
Wow... that sounds like really great customer service. I've never had to deal with any CS issues with any of my firearms, but I doubt any of them would have done that. Hmmm... I'm becoming more open minded to buying a CZ every day. The only reason I haven't yet is because they look funny to me :rolleyes: