Gunshop story: What do you think?


New member
I have been wanting a CZ 75, and I had looked at them at a local gunshop that does a pretty high volume. On my initial visit I asked the salesperson the capacity of a stainless model that I really liked the looks of, and was told 16 rounds. This was part of my purpose because I didn't currently own a pistol with a capacity of greater than 10 rounds.

I went back a few days later to put it on layaway. I picked it up this past Saturday, and when I got it home and took it out of the box to clean it, I discovered that it did not include the 16rd mags, but instead had the 10rd, California-friendly magazines. The shop had already closed and didn't reopen until today.

I went by there to discuss my issue with being sold a California gun in TN, and they informed me no refunds or exchanges period. I got "someone above my head" of the salesperson to come out and talk with me, and restated my case. I said that I had come in to purchase a gun that holds more than 10 rounds, and was disappointed to discover that I had not gotten what I thought I was getting. I politely asked that I swap him back the 10-rounders for the 16rd mags that should have come with it. I also mentioned (again politely but matter-of-fact) that I don't shop for guns in TN looking for a California gun. The higher up told me that there were no exchanges, and that their guns are "priced as they come". I didn't exactly get a bargain, so this struck me as BS. I asked him once more if that was the best he could do, and he replied that was ALL that he could do. I left without another word so that I didn't allow my temper to get the better of me.:mad:

So here I am having to go online to order some of the magazines the gun was supposed to come with, and am not happy about having to spend a minimum of $40 in addition to what I have already paid.:barf:

I am trying to figure out if there is anything more I can do other than whine about it in an internet forum. I did put the 75% cost remaining to get the gun out of layaway on a credit card. Would it be wrong to complain to my CC company about not being delivered everything I paid for and let them handle it?
What's the worst that could happen if I took this course of action?

Do ya'll think I got screwed or is this just buyer beware and get over it?


New member
I'd say the product was mis-represented. Talk to your charge card company ASAP.

The shop could say you should have noticed the problem when you picked up the pistol but the sales person DID tell you it was the high-cap model.


New member
Shouldn't you double check what you buy before you go out and buy it?

Well, Whiteboy67, obviously in retrospect that would have maybe avoided my current situation. The thing is, when I put the gun on layaway it was in their display case without the box. It did have a magazine in it, but I did not bother to remove it as I wanted to check the function of the pistol to be sure I liked the feel and point as well as how the grip fit my hand. It actually took me a minute after getting it home to realize they were lower capacity magazines because I am not familiar with this particular pistol. I did my research though before deciding to buy. Frankly, I didn't even imagine that a California gun would be sold new at a store here. (I keep saying "California gun" because the first employee said that they acquired some guns that were originally intended for that state).

Do you typically open every box of ammo you purchase to count how many are in the box?

At this particular store you actually have to pay before the NICS check and taking possession of the gun. This is normal operation with the multiple purchases I have made from them. So, by the time I could have inspected the whole package, I already owned the gun anyway.


New member
I have had good luck disputing through the credit card company on a couple occasions (not guns, but why would they care what product).


New member
call your credit card company to dispute. They will mediate but if they have signs posted you are probably out of luck. I would call the local news channel. I am sure that they have a "buyer Beware" segment. Some young news reporter would love to get the story.

Do yourself a favor and find yourself another gun shop!! Those people are @#$holes!


Staff In Memoriam
I thought it was required to have the 4473 approved before buying a gun? I can't help but be real picky when looking at guns as it is a rare occurrence for me to be able to get a new gun...


The gun shop people may be jerks. The gun may have been misrepresented. Your credit card company may do something to help you. You may just be SOL. always - caveat emptor.

I'd have checked. No, I don't open every box of ammo I buy, unless it looks like it's been opened before, but I darn well check something as important as magazine capacity.


New member
If you contact CZ ,tell them what happened and they decide there is nothing they can do for you ( I would be surprised if they did'nt help you,CZ is well thought of in gun customers eyes).

The cheapest thing to do is to shoot it with the mags you have.

Then if you don't like it,you can sell or trade it,obviously never going to that gun store ever again.

If you do shoot that CZ and love it,you will not mind buying the two 16 rounders because now you will have 52 rounds of ammo availible in four mags. :D

If all else fails,Shooting your CZ -at the range :D- is the best medicine.


New member
I just went through the same thing. I also recently purchased a CZ-75 (stainless even). It came with the ten rnd mags. It also came with a note: "This firearm sold with California magazines; contact your distributor for the standard 16 rnd magazines" or something close to it. I went out to CZ-USA's parts and accessories store, and the only high cap mags they currently sell are for the 2075 RAMI and the 83.

I just went ahead and bought 2 Mec-Gars from Brownells for $30/each. Best price I've found.

But yea, I'd contact CZ since the gun shop apparently isn't gonna help ya.

Quick question: Is yours polished or satin finished?
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Dave P

New member
Shame on you for not checking the magazine - which was a critical feature that you wanted. But more shame on the retailer for deceiving you, and then not trying to help you.

Take your future business elsewhere.


New member
i made similar mistake along time ago, i dont see getting upset at anyone other than yourself....i know i did. i also got over it. but i still have the gun and its been a good one.

now i take the time and look before i leap. box, papers, mags, etc. show me, let me see, write it down please on the reciept.


New member
I called CZ today, and they said they would swap the mags if I send the other ones to them.:cool:

That's more than is required from them, so I'm more than satisfied with how it turned out.

Yes, I hear you...I should have checked it out thoroughly.
Never knew that could even be an issue here or something to look out for on a new gun, but :D

Thanks, everyone for the input:)

TheClown: It's satin.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
This is normal operation with the multiple purchases I have made from them.

That would have been my argument right there. Something along the lines of...

"Do you have any idea how much money I spend in this place? Make this right or you'll never see me again."

and then I'd never set foot in there again if they didn't fix it.

I hate bad business practices. The next time I bought a gun I'd call them and ask about it. Then I'd remind them who I was and tell them I bought the gun somewhere else. They need to be made aware that bad service, especially with proven repeat customers, has a price all it's own.


New member
When I purchased my 75, I noticed that there were mostly hi-caps. Seems like there were a 16 a 17 and maybe a 19 or somethin like that that was original pack with that gun. I could have this confused with another gun but think it was mhy CZ. Anyway, while searching, I heard of, and read about shops getting in guns with hi-caps and swaping them for a lesser volume. I assume it's because there is a market for the 35 dollar hi-caps. I don't mean that the shops are all crooks, just something I had heard or read about.

Also, if the gun came in the factory plastic case, the label with the serial number, model etc. may say the cap. of the mags. on it. Another thing to watch for is, many come with 2 mags, yet some come with only one (any/all brands), and sometimes an extra mag kinda falls out of the box before the clerk hands it to you. If purchased right out of the case, often the mags are locked up in back room and there could have been an honest mistake when they wraped it up for you. However if that were the case, they should have taken care of you.

But I have to agree with most others, you should have looked it over before taking it home.

I have purchased MecGar mags from Midway on sale for about 20 bucks. I can't tell the difference, they work great in my 75.

Almost never would I buy a new gun that is in the showcase. Somethin about 247 other people playing with my 500-700 dollar gun before I do! I always ask if they have one new in the box, if not, I can wait if it's a common instock item.

However, with the huge run on arms, ammo and related items right now, you may never have another chance on a new gun in the box....either Sold Out or Back Ordered forever. :barf:

Hope your over it now and enjoying it as much as I do my CZ75.
Now I have the Kadet .22 conversion for my 9mm 75. It's a great gun even when shootin .22's out of it. All CZ's are my favorite right now.


When I think I got ripped off, I plaster the name of the company on every gun site I can find, and what my complaint is and what the company did or did not do. I have one posted now against Ultimate Weapons Systems LLC


New member
Complain to the better business bureau, it worked for me in a similar situation.
They may have a policy of no return and no exchanges, but you didn't give up your right to complain and make a stink.


New member
As far as the Shop you bought your CZ at, they apparently don't give a rats
%&* about customer service. tell your friends, have them tell their friends.
You got took, get over it, it takes time. Learn from it and don't go back there.