Guns you love that have no purpose.


New member
I agree with the 232. I sold mine recently, but it was a fantastic pistol. But it truly was a gun that served no purpose for me, and I am not really a collector. If I don't have a use for a particular gun, it gets sold to fund something I can use.


New member
Beretta model 20 in 25 ACP. It is good luck. I had it on me twice years ago when I really thought I'd need to shoot my way out of a spot. I stared down the threat in both cases and stood my ground and they shined on.

A baby Browning I have fond memories of shooting with my kids again years ago.

I can't think of a role for a .25 these days but I feel like I'd be selling a part of my body to let them go.


New member
1931 Colt Official Police.....

I had a spare $300 from selling a gun, and it was about the only thing at the LGS that was not a .22 or .25 that was under that price. I reblued it, and found a vintage holster for it (it was the subject of a thread a couple months ago), and it is pretty much just a conversation piece or play toy that hangs in my gun room. It DOES shoot good, I just don't have a "niche" for it other than conversation piece.



New member
1931 Colt Official Police.....

I had a spare $300 from selling a gun, and it was about the only thing at the LGS that was not a .22 or .25 that was under that price. I reblued it, and found a vintage holster for it (it was the subject of a thread a couple months ago), and it is pretty much just a conversation piece or play toy that hangs in my gun room. It DOES shoot good, I just don't have a "niche" for it other than conversation piece.



New member
According to me, every gun I own has an excellent purpose.

I love them all....

According to a lot of folks on this forum, (and I can't believe we got this far without somebody bringing it up) my 3" chambered Taurus Judge has no real purpose.

Sure is fun to shoot, copperheads run and hide, and other vermin shy away from the mere sight of it.....

I sold a NAA .22 mag pee wee revolver a couple of years back, so I guess I used to have something that never had much of a purpose.


New member
I have an old single shot .22 Winchester that was the first gun I ever shot as a young boy that was my dad's. I have not shot it in probably 50 years, but I will never get rid of it!


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Three Words: Henry Mare's Leg. Neatly combines the bulk and weight of a rifle with the stability of a pistol in a package that rarely fails to make me giggle when I shoot it.


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FN 1910 in .32 acp. I have lighter, more powerful concealed carry pistols, but I love the classic styling. If it was good enough for Mr. Browning, it's good enough for me. I also have an Empire State Arms break top .38 S&W. I don't shoot it much since it is about 100 years old, but I still like it.


New member
My Colt/Umarex/Walther 22lr 1911. It's HUGE for a 22, quite ridiculously so. Deliberately built to match the general size, shape, and weight of a full-bore 1911.

On the other hand, it shoots great, and you don't have to 're-acquire' a target, because you never leave it. Absolutely no "muzzle flip."


New member
My K22 is really just a range gun, but that little guy is pretty sweet. I have a bunch of guns that are practically just collectibles. I still shoot them sometimes, but for the most part I have them for their historic value.


New member
Alessia is my Beretta Model 85BB,,,

Allegra is my Beretta Model 87FS.


Both are at the upper end of size for their caliber cartridges,,,

Both are relatively low capacity,,,

And somewhat expensive.

But I simply love owning them,,,

They shoot like dream guns,,,

And are truly works of art.

The first time I took Alessia out to the range,,,

There was a shooting match going on,,,

I think it was an IPSC match.

I watched and after it was over I asked if I could maybe shoot a stage,,,

The match organizer paired me against a true Glock Fan Boy,,,

He had a Glock shirt, Glock holster, Glock glasses, etc.

He looked at me and my little Beretta and said,,,

Don't try to keep up with me on this set,,,

Just shoot slow and try to hit them all.

I'm really only mediocre at best but he ticked me off,,,

I got all "snake-eyed" like Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man,,,

Long story short I smoked the Glockster twice on that set of targets.

Just for the memory of that encounter,,,

I'll never sell Alessia or her little sister Allegra. :D

Beautiful pistolas you have there.

Oh, and I love the Italian names ;)


New member
Guns you love that have no purpose.
That would actually be ......

Every gun I have except my Remington 870 & my S&W M19-4 w/the 6" barrel.

Either of those is a "do it all" type of gun for defense and/or hunting.
I was just fortunate enough in life to have the luxury of buying other guns because I wanted them.


New member
Only one I have that may fit in to the "has no real purpose" slot for me is not a pistol. It is the first gun my wife (she goes to OGCA gunshows with me because of friends we have that have tables there) saw and said Oh I like that one you should buy it. So I did.:)rolleyes:like I need help finding guns to buy) It just hangs over the door in my gun room and get pulled down and clean two or three times a year.


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Probably my Astra terminator. A snub nose .44 magnum is not really a great ccw, but every once in a while it gets some holster time just because I love it too much for it to be just a range toy.


New member
My Ruger LCP. It was an anniversary present from my wife on our 30th. It shoots great and works great but I really haven't found a time when I couldn't conceal something more powerful with the right holster/wardrobe selection, and the thought of trying to defend myself with a .380 doesn't excite me so I never carry it. It's kept strictly for sentimental reasons because it was a gift from the wonderful lady I'm married to.


New member
You're OK using 380. If you want the most effectiveness from that caliber, just use FMJ ammo. Most talk about the 380 is based on old information, in the past 20 years 380 performance specs place it close 9MM. Lethality studies I've seen showed all handguns had fairly similar results. Ultimately, it's more about shot placement.

I also carry a 380 with confidence.

Oh, and your wife will find out you don't carry that LCP. All wives know things they're not supposed to know about, don't they.
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