Guns you love that have no purpose.


New member
For me it is my Sig P232 SL. It weighs 23oz (that is more than my Glock 19 )shoots 380 acp and only holds 7 rounds in a $50 magazine. All that said I love this gun. What is yours?


New member
I don't own any guns that are lacking a purpose, even if the only purpose is entertaining me at the range ...


New member
Okay Okay they have a purpose. I think you all have missed the question. A gun that looks bad on paper but for unknown reasons you really like.

Bullet Bill

New member
Chiappa 1892 Takedown Mares Leg in .44 Mag

Its a blast to shoot and would be awesome as saddle gun for defense against bears and moose.

However, I do not own a horse and .44 Mag is not cheap plinking ammo so it doesn't get shot much.


New member
That would probably be Alessia & Allegra,,,

Alessia is my Beretta Model 85BB,,,
Allegra is my Beretta Model 87FS.


Both are at the upper end of size for their caliber cartridges,,,
Both are relatively low capacity,,,
And somewhat expensive.

But I simply love owning them,,,
They shoot like dream guns,,,
And are truly works of art.

The first time I took Alessia out to the range,,,
There was a shooting match going on,,,
I think it was an IPSC match.

I watched and after it was over I asked if I could maybe shoot a stage,,,
The match organizer paired me against a true Glock Fan Boy,,,
He had a Glock shirt, Glock holster, Glock glasses, etc.

He looked at me and my little Beretta and said,,,
Don't try to keep up with me on this set,,,
Just shoot slow and try to hit them all.

I'm really only mediocre at best but he ticked me off,,,
I got all "snake-eyed" like Dustin Hoffman in Little Big Man,,,
Long story short I smoked the Glockster twice on that set of targets.

Just for the memory of that encounter,,,
I'll never sell Alessia or her little sister Allegra. :D

I have more modern handguns,,,
I have higher capacity handguns,,,
And I have handguns of higher caliber,,,
But when you boil it down to the essence,,,
I simply love the looks and feel of these beauties.

These ladies make me smile every time I take them out dancing.




Active member
Out of the guns I have:

Swiss 1882 revolver.
Sites Spectre
Ruger AC556
Colt Python

Guns I don't have:
Borchardt C93
Braverman pen guns
G.R.A.D. Knife revolver


New member
SIG P239. I love shooting it and it's a nice gun IMO. But frankly there are many options that are much lighter with better capacity.


New member
I traded a 55 gallon aquarium set for an Ithaca Featherlight 20ga when I was 12 years old.

I've owned it for 40 years, and I don't think it has been shot in the last 15.

I'll never let go of it.


New member
Yeah, every gun has a purpose, even if it's just to take up a bit of room in the safe. I have a Colt Vest Pocket .25 that I got from my dad. I take it out, field strip, clean it, and put it back in the safe for another year.


New member
I have a Marlin model 25 .22cal rifle that my father gave me as my fisrt gun when I was around 13 years old. It has a bad sear, that makes it unsafe to use. I have tried over the years to find a replacement part to have it fixed but have come up empty.
It sits in the safe with a trigger lock and tag on it. Hasn't been fired in almost 15 years, but I will never part with it.


New member
Maybe the question should be "practical" purpose. Home defense, CCW, competitive shooting, or hunting vs just for the heck of it.
The first one that at comes to mind is my Walther P22.
Not the most accurate 22 I have. I wouldn't carry it for SD, but I like the way it looks, and love shooting it.