Guns in cockpits


New member
You guys are all wrong.

PASSENGERS should also be allowed to carry!

:D :p

"Prepare to die for Allah! I will slice you with my box cutter!"

"*Yawn* *Pulls out .45* Say hi to Allah for me. *BLAM BLAM BLAM*"


Member In Memoriam
Yup, Drjones, but small steps, small steps.

Still trying to get our resident nay-sayer to come around to the pilot, behind a locked door, not killing us all through his gross inattention to the tasks at hand. :rolleyes:

"BTW I am sorry that I am not responding to everyone directly. I am trying to respond to the major points."

You sorry not in the least. You're side stepping the basic tenent.


New member
Pilots arm themselves if they want, along with flight crew.
Same for all means of conveyance.

Include civilians,--and not just LEO's and Military

Visiting/shooting with some pilots,current and retired ones. Sam is right

very few sucessful hijackings or suicides . Of course I also believe in less gov't meddling. I grew up without 911, learned to be self reliant. I remember as a kid taking the train out of state, if you wanted to you carried, retired engineer I spoke with did, as did the bus drivers AND passengers of the day. It wasn't broke--but the gov't just had to 'fix it'.


New member

Its simple: lets pretend your gonna take over a plane. Right now the odds are such maybe / maybe not a AM.

Now lets say you are gonna take over a plane. You don't know if the pilots , flight crew are armed.
Add a AM

Add someone like me, Tamara, CRSam, The preacherman, add pax with her kids. You don't know, do you? Ok you figure out the AM, but what about the others, the lady with the kids? The older gentleman?, What about the gal with the ball cap, or the mid forties dude in jeans and oxford shirt?

Its one thing as a kid to think about stealing a pc of candy with a LEO in uniform in the store--you know and you watch. However that lady or another kid you don't see is the one that'll catch you.


New member
For those of you who want information to develop an informed opinion, please to go to-

Airline Pilots Security Alliance

-full information on the FFDO program is available there.

CM, some of us are pilots around here, some of us are former military, some of us are fighter pukes, and some of us are very well versed on the IDF's capabilties, training, performance, and adversaries. Some of us know a few of their pilots. They are well respected, but are no better or no worse than the average US tactical jet drivers. They seem to enjoy flying US equipment.

What is a bit frustrating is the constant presentation of non sequitur arguments. El Al is so small (the average US airline has more spare jets than EL has in their entire fleet) and so specialized that they can get away with three hour boarding processions. Applied to the US airline industry, the result would be complete collapse of the system and fast paced US economy. This nation is not ready to accept even the concept of profiling that El Al uses on its passengers, the idea that we should adopt a couple of its policies while ignoring the rest is silly.

The bottom line is that the FFDO program is being set up as we speak, there will be well trained, closely monitored, and highly disciplined pilots armed to defend their cockpits. Arguing about it now is a senseless endeavor.
