Gun victim plans takeover revenge on manufacturer


New member
I say we find a company, venture capital group, or even the NRA to bid this thing up so there won't be any more of his money to be put to such nefarious uses.

Yes, he is committing fraud if he buys the company to close it and take a tax deduction for a loss which was not incurred but planned with malice aforethought. We should also make sure the IRS is very much aware of this young man's intentions.

It is too bad that the muzzle of the firearm would follow people when they entered the room just waiting for its chance to discharge autonomously and harm one of the "evil humans"; like Frankenstein's monster killing its creator. All firearms capable of independent thought processes should be banned as one never knows when they will go over to the dark side.


New member
Bid to melt down 50,000 guns fails
The Press Democrat ^ | 6/17/04 | Glenda Anderson

A Willits teen’s campaign to buy and melt down 50,000 unassembled guns failed Thursday.

Brandon Maxfield, 17, had hoped to raise $200,000 through an Internet campaign to buy Bryco Arms’ bankrupt Southern California plant.

The facility made the “Saturday night special” that misfired 10 years ago, leaving Maxfield a quadriplegic.

Maxfield said he wanted to buy the guns to prevent another child from being crippled or killed.

But he was unable to raise the money necessary to outbid the plant’s manager, Paul Jimenez by Thursday, when a Florida bankruptcy court took up the matter. Jimenez bid $150,000.

Maxfield’s Florida attorney, Rick Thames, said it would have required at least $175,000 to outbid Jimenez.

Glenda Anderson


New member
All firearms capable of independent thought processes should be banned as one never knows when they will go over to the dark side.

Yep. Hey, I'll even sign a petition for that gun control! :D