Gun Test Magazine

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I stopped subscribing a couple of years ago. It's my belief that Gun Tests does not have a testing lab but are, like other magazines, freelance writers. That's not what made me stop my subscription.

Rather, it was the lack of technical information which I want. What type of steel like grade of stainless steel? What does the interior mechanism look like? Easy to service? Durability of parts? Longevity?

I guess I'm too picky.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt


New member
Equalizer when you're right you're right. Don't reckon I could ask for a better place to find out about firearms, and like you said, it's free. Thanks for helping me see what was already in front of my face, and thanks to all who posted a reply, have a good'un!! :)



New member
Equalizer hit the nail on the head. Why buy the magazine when you can get an unbiased report by posting on this forum. I subscribed for a year but they never reviewed a gun I was interested in purchasing. Then a couple of years later I fell for the free issue thinking that they might have changed. All I got was a dishonest marketing ploy like the rest of you did. If they can't be honest in their marketing who's to say they are honest about the guns they review? The rest of the gun magazines may not be the best but at least they are honest as far as subscriptions go. Gun Tests you ought to be ashamed.

jason h

New member
I has a subscription awhile back, but cancelled it. Basically, never reviewed guns I was interested in, cost a lot, and the fact that a sample size of one is very unreliable way to test whether or not the whole lot of a certain gun is good or bad.

Mal H

Brought this back up to let you know I had sent off for the Gun Tests free trial copy before this thread was started. It took them a while, but I finally got the first issue today. I really didn't find anything interesting about the magazine. The main tests were on 9mm's and 7.62x39 semi's. (AK-47, SKS, mini-30). There was a test of .38 Spcl defense loads. Their opinions mirrored almost exactly those of the TFL members who responded to a similar thread in the handguns forum. Like several said above, we've already got our gun tests virtual magazine right here. And we can question the authors any time we want to.

Anyway, learning from your experiences I copied the original letter saying I could cancel and sent it along with the dated cancellation notice. Am keeping copies of everything. I'll let you know if they go the collections route.
You're a brave man Mal H. Salutante te morituri! (We who are about to die salute).

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt


New member

These guys operate like crooks. I received one issue a few months ago. I didn't subscribe to anything. I have received about four payment notices with the last one looking like it was from a collection agency. I finally called them and they said they have cancelled my supposed subscription and that I will receive no future bills. Not a good way to do business. It is hard to know how many people have been scared into actually subscribing to there magazine.


New member
Guess there's some things that stay the same...wonder why they have to be the BAD things.

Welcome to The Firing Line Rabauser. Lots of good information here and mostly friendly and polite folk too.

That said, did you check the date of the post you responded to? It's over 11 years old. Although that does prove they are still doing business the same old way.

G. Freeman

New member
I had a one-year subscription several years ago and didn't renew. I noticed lots of misinformation on their reviews. The reviews were okay. No big deal. Not worth the money IMHO.
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