Gun Test Magazine

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New member
Just got a thing from these folks wanting me to suscribe. I've seen mention of these folks on here before. Question, is the rag worth suscribing to, or is it much of the same drivel that we've come to see from other gun rags? thanks..........longhair


Jim in Texas

New member
I took it several years ago. They appear to be very independent on their tests and comments. If something doesn't work or the quality is bad, they will tell you. Overall, I would say it is a quality mag.


New member
I used to subscribe to most of the gun rags, now I just read Gun Tests. It's refreshing to read a magazine that bases its reviews on the quality of the weapon and not on the advertising budget of the manufacturer.


Staff Emeritus
I don't have a phone number, but snail mail is:

Gun Tests
PO Box 420197
Palm Coast, FL 32142-9928

Editor's name apparently is Bill McCaughtry.
Good luck! :)


New member
They don't have the newest or ultimate or perfect gun on the cover of every issue. What they do have is objective testing of handguns & rifles, and products of related interest, with NO advertising, so that you can at least expect honest opinions from the testers. You can subscribe via their newly-opened website at

"Potius sero quam nunquam."

George Dickel

New member
Around 4 years ago, I received an advertisement for this magazine. It stated that if I wanted to receive 1 issue as a free gift just sent in the attached card. I did so and about a month later I received the magazine. A letter accompanied it and said that if I wanted to start a subscription all I had to do was sign and mail in the attached card. I read the magazine and decided it was not worth the cost of the subscription. Threw away the card and forgot about it. The next month I got another issue and the next month another. I thought they has made some kind of an error and didn't think much about it. Didn't get an issue the next month and figured they had discovered their mistake. A little later I got a letter from a supposed collection agency saying they had been authorized to collect the debt owed to the magazine company. I tried calling the number for the collection company but only got a recorded message, no way to speak to a human being. Wrote them a letter and told them basically to grease thier collection notice and put in the mail box where the sun dosen't shine. Never heard any more. I remember one of their issues had a comparison between the Sako Finnfire (new at that time) and a couple of other high end .22 rf. They dissed the Finnfire because it had a plastic trigger guard and rated the others over it on that fact. Right now the Finnfire is one of the most popular rifles for the Sporter class in IR 50/50. Probably one of the most accurate .22's out of the box being sold today. The other two have never appeared in any equipment lists for the sport. Get a subscription from them, not even if they were the last gun magazine left printing. I figured that if they can't be honest in their dealings with potential subscribers and have to resort to kindergarden collection tactics, I can't trust anything they write.


New member

EXACT same thing happened to me, and also to 2 of my buddies that wanted the "free" issue. Got the first issue in the mail, and they just kept on sending me magazines, even after I asked them to stop. Then, I get the letter from the collection agency billing me for the subscription I ordered. What a crock. These guys are crooks.

Also, their comparisons of weapons is unrealistic.

I wouldn't order this magazine if it was the last piece of gun literature on earth.


New member
Same thing happen to me also. I ending up writing the company telling them that I didn't want the mag and I wasn't going to pay. Never heard a thing after that.


New member
Years ago I subscribed to this magazine. Some of their tests were unbelieveable. They would test 2 or 3 different but similar firearms but use different people or "Standards" for their comparison. I think they got better at it as the years passed.
I also can't get over how they will really dis a product based on a one sample test. Not very scientific.


New member
A few people may have some legitimate complaints about Gun Test's subscription service but, then again, it's just like anybody else's - they are in business to sell magazines. Any magazine that gives you a 'free' trial subscribtion will give you the same grief when you try to cancel your subscribtion. Remember Gun Tests does not accept advertising and therefore has to rely on subscriptions to pay the bills.

As far as the magazine itself goes, I really like it's refreshing honesty. It may be a bit rough around the edges, but then again, unlike nearly every other magazine it tests real off-the-shelf weapons, not hand built and tuned 'reviewer samples'. Would you rather know that XYZ's off-the-shelf pistols jam every 3 rounds, or that XYZ's hand tuned reviewer sample worked pretty good?

Did you ever notice that pretty much every other magazine likes just about everything they test, and that they're head-over-heals in love every high buck model with a full page ad in the middle of the story? How about the 2 or 3 trade rags that just print thinly disguised press releases as reviews and laugh all the way to the bank? In most magazines, the manufacturer of the weapon being 'reviewed' is also an important advertising customer. Guns, cars, or investments, it's a fact of life in the magazine publishing world that advertising dollars heavily effect editorial content.

I think there are a couple of reasons that a few people don't like Gun Tests. IMHO, for the most part it's just honest disagreement, and I think that's what we have here. For example, there's the luck of the draw. Gun Tests tests an off-the-shelf weapon that because of quality control problems is a POS, and somebody else gets lucky and buys a great one - he's gonna think they are nuts for knocking his wonderful new toy. Well I want to know about the POS 'cuz sure as heck I'll be the guy that gets one of the bad ones.

On the other hand there's the guy that reads too much Guns and Ammo, American Handgunner etc and buys a $1,800 Gee-Whiz Custom Carry 2000. He picks up a copy of Gun Tests and they say he could have done better for half the money - now he's gotta feel that either he screwed up or they are just too #@*! dumb to understand the greatness of Gee-Whiz's Custom Carry 2000. You guess which theory wins....

[This message has been edited by sholling (edited September 14, 1999).]

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
I had that free issue snag myself.
I sent them a letter back after the 3RD collection notice...
It was printed on my own computer - but I made it look like it was legal letterhead. I also used a lot of legaleze wordage and quotes from that special offer.

The stopped harrassing me.

"Supreme authority derives from a mandate from the masses. Not from some farsicle aquatic ceremony."

The Critic formerly known as Kodiac


New member
Longhair, Gun Tests is one of the more objective magazines available. I have been a subscriber since '91 and have seen the level of critical firearms analysis slip off with the change of editors over the past couple of years. They don't seem to be as critical anymore. They are also now making defensive ammo recommendations (the past month's issue) by shooting into packaged meat and determining which bullet made the biggest mess; I think that they should just stick to wringing out guns. p.s.- Wanna buy some back issues?

El Cid '89


New member
Gun Tests is the only gun magazine I subscribe to. They aren't perfect, but they are better than any of the others. As for the free sample issue problem...well, I have always believed that there aint no such thing as a free lunch, so I never order free issues.


New member
I hate commercials, if my tv flip had a blip, I would never listen to OR WATCH commercials.

Therefore, I thought I'd like Gun Test magazine. But after a few issues something realy turned me off. I don't even remember what it was....this was eight or ten years ago.
I only remember that it was a breach of bias.
A serious enough judgment call, that I could no longer trust their "unbiased testing" so, I dropped the subscription.
My vote is NO to Gun Test !

Ralph in In.


New member
Ummm...ONE issue EIGHT OR TEN YEARS AGO had ONE problem, so you vote no? That is so hilarious given that the major criticism of Gun Tests magazine by most people is that they only sample one gun...(even though that isn't true.)
Jeez, if ONE BAD ISSUE EIGHT OR TEN YEARS AGO made you cancel Gun Tests, you must just go apopleptic when you look at Guns and Ammo...


New member
I had a similar problem as George and the others. Cancelled my subscription from the beginning and kept sending them cancellation notices. No response, just more mags.

My other problem with the magazine is that they don't review the guns that I would be interested in buying. If I see one in a back issue list, it cost a fortune when I factor in shipping.

My advice to you and anyone else considering the mag is to save your money and ask specific questions on this forum. Its free. Its interactive. Your information and sources might just be more honest too. I just learned about this forum and its great!
Just my 2 cents. Just don't spend it on that gun review or their gun smith mag. Buy a book instead... ;)

"But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip; and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one." -Jesus Christ (Luke 22:36, see John 3:15-18)
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