Gun Stuff You Don't See Much Anymore


New member
I was just sitting and started think about all the different gun stuff you don't see around much these days. (Feel free to add your own memories to comments.)

#1 GUN RACKS: I am from Tennessee and back when I was growing up it was pretty much a given that of you saw a pick-up truck, you could bet there would be a gun rack in the back window. Seldom a gun in the rack except for hunting trips but always a gun rack. (Often with an axe handle.)

I think it changed in the 90's when trucks became nicer and more than just work/farm vehicles. They fed into the redneck stereo type and you definitely would want to park at a mall with a gun begging to be stolen BUT I do miss seeing them in people's back windows though.

#2 REALLY BIG HANDGUN LASERS: Think like the one on Arnold's 1911 in the (first) Terminator movie or Danny Glover's Desert Eagle in Predator 2. (Which not to drift TOO off subject... what a crappy sequel!)

I know technology improves and things are made smaller and better all the time. However, it genuinely surprises me (that given the firearm communities love of tradition and stalwart dislike for new things) there isn't a hardcore "the big old lasers are better" group. If you consider they continuing popularity of revolvers (admittedly I like and a few myself) and there are guys that still "don't trust" polymer guns. (Not the same as just liking metal better but still just refuse to believe they are any good.) Through in just a love of nostalgia like guys building AR-15s that look like Vietnam era M-16s and basic GI 1911s, it's not so far-fetched to imagine some guy clinging to his old Mini-Maglite sized pistol laser.

Plus, I just wonder what happened to all the old ones. (I wonder if they sold them for scrap metal like the old large satellites for TV... always laugh when I still see on behind a building or something.)

#3 SURPLUS GUNS IN MAGAZINES: I recall as a cub scout seeing ads for switchblades in the back of Boys Life but that was about it. Later, I would see ads for old police trade-ins in Shotgun News in my early teens.

However, I heard stories (post WWII) there were tons of cheap 1911s (and ammo), Garandes, Bolt Action Springfields, Mausers and all kinds of other stuff for sale in the back of several magazines. I would love to have confirmation of this stuff.

Those are the three that first come to mind. I'm sure I will think of some more later but I would love to hear everyone else reminisce about these or other examples of firearm related things that are pretty much extinct these days.


New member
1. Lee Sonic ear plugs. They had a valve arrangement that would close under the sound pressure of a shot but stay open so you could hear normally. (There are much better ear protectors available today but the Lee Sonics were something of a status symbol way back when.)

2. Rig EZ Score plugs. Seemed if you were any kind of smallbore shooter at all you had your own personal Rig EZ Score to check your targets and get every point possible. The device would plug into the hole in the paper target and had a magnifying lens around the plug that would let you see if the plug was touching the line and you could get the next higher score. (And we said 'smallbore' instead of .22 to increase the cool factor whenever possible.)

8MM Mauser

New member
Sabots...don't see too many of those anymore

Are you reffering to sabot slugs for shotguns? I see them all the time, I have some I baught for last years deer season and never used (ended up in an area that allowed rifles.)


New member
I used to see the Thompson Center Contenders a lot. Nowadays I never see them.
The "Contenders" were replaced with a similar model that had a differant operation of the safety. It was called the Encore and I have seen them a lot in T.V. hunting shows. From Wikipedia:
"The Encore was released in the late 1990s. The Encore uses a different trigger mechanism, designed to be stronger than the original Contender's and to make the break-action easier to open. The Encore also uses a considerably larger and stronger frame than the Contender,..."


New member
Cops with revolvers, and cops with cross draw holsters. There's a pretty clear reason for the change in the cross draw holsters, but I still see a deputy once in a while with a revolver. Occasionally see a 1911, too.


Active member
Pre-81 DIAS.
Private individuals selling guns at (inside) gunshows
Sig AMT's (its been years since I've seen one at a gunshow)
Polytech M1A's (used to see huge quantities at gun shows)
Polytech AK's and $80 Chinese SKS's
Stinger/Braverman pen guns
Hellfire trigger systems
"Assault" pistols - everything these days is geared for CCW or range shooting
Real semi-auto IMI UZI's (not the .22 knock-offs)
Transferable full-autos
Browning Superposed O/U's
Tax Protesters (circa early '90 gun shows)

Well, that's all I can think of for now.


New member
Cutts-Compensators on shotguns (an adjustable choke with built-in muzzle brake). I have an 870 barrel from the 60's with one attached.

Weaver Quick Point. A red dot type of sight that came before the modern ones that use batteries. It gathers natural light to illuminate the dot. Good for shotguns and 22 rifles. I still have one of those that used to be mounted on that same old Wingmaster mentioned above.


New member
Woden barrels full of surplus Mauser rifles in the discount store. You picked out the one you wanted and took it to the counter where the clerk pulled out a box of bolts and you tried them until you found the one that fit the best. If I recall correctly the price was about $20 each and you could buy all you wanted at the same time.

They also had a bazooka hanging on the wall for the ridiculous price of $50!


New member
Colt SP1's, and armalite AR-180's.

there were literally THOUSANDS of these things out there before the Clinton era ban.
Whose closet are they hiding in??

And the Cheap SKS's from the late 80's, early 90's
I once helped unload 3 shipping containers of these in New Orleans, full of chinese sks's..

The polytech m1a's (semi only) are still being made, just not able to be imported into the US.

A friend in Canada bought one a few months ago $400ish delivered..

Lucky stiffs...

45 Bravo


New member
I have one of those Colt SP1's, its not leaving here as long as I'm alive.

Don't see much of: Revolvers at an USPSA match, I shot one in Portland OR a couple weeks ago, out of 60+ shooters I was the only one with a revolver.


Ahh the good ole days....

I was thinking a bit about gear & shooting industry accessories of the 1980s/1990s era.
A few "greatest hits" I miss include the "Mirage" gear line from Unkle Mike's.
I have a old(early 1990s) Mirage knife-magazine case that I still use often.
I looked to buy another & it's gone. :(
The older type Dockosil slide latch scoped pistol cases were good too. They new latch style from MTM & Plano are not as secure.
I don't mean the $30.00-$40.00 high cases either. I'm talking about the plastic stackable, pad lock type cases that run $5.00-$8.00ea in the 1980s/1990s.
The same cases now are $9.00 to $11.00/ea. :mad:

I may think of a few more later.



New member
"Rowlocks" those "U" shaped rests with a spike on the bottom so you didn't lay your hot bore on wet grass on one side.:)

Actual snap fastners instead of velcro.


Id add....

real ivory grips for revolvers :D
The "real" ASP 9x19mm pistol by Paris Theodore. The custom S&W model 39 9mm tricked out for deep carry/covert ops.
Reports say only approx 450 ASP pistols were produced. :(