Gun Store Supports On-Line Sales Ban

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
LGS in San Antonio took out an ad many years ago against the gun shows. What else is new.

After some tragedy - here's a hint - stay off the tube.


New member
Bad comparison to Harley .. they asked for a temporary tariff because Japanese manufacturers were dumping bikes here below cost and driving H-D to bankruptcy ... and they did improve their products, I've owned three over the past 15 years, all have been excellent purchases, my current '01 model has never needed any work other than routine maintenance -- and it doesn't leak ...

but I digress ... when I need a box or two of a specific type of ammo, I shop locally ... when I need 1,000 rds for practice, I shop online, where the prices are dramatically lower (usually ammoman) ... buying 1,000 rds at an LGS means, in addition to paying a higher price for the ammo, also including tax ...

this guy may have been first driven by business reasons, but his reasoned retraction says I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt ... it has to be obvious that "they" will never "go away and leave us alone" if we give in to any of their demands; they'll be back again and again until we've returned to the days when we kept a baseball bat alongside the bed for SD ...


New member
Dual motives???
He has one motive. Money.

Nothing wrong with that though.
He is in businees to make a profit.

"Nothing wrong" with making a deal with the devil?
"Nothing wrong" with selling your integrity for the almighty dollar?

I would drive a long way to avoid spending a dime in his store...and I'd make sure he knew why. I'd also make sure everyone I know understood his position as well.
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New member
The Word spreads quick about guys like that. I'll predict he finds his sale numbers dropping quite a bit. Gun owners will see through his Facebook / E-mail attempt to save face. I hope he has another job for income.;)


New member
I would suspect "Other brick and mortar businesses" in the Houston area would be Bill Carter, owner of the Carter Country stores here. Carter is a past supporter of the AWB and is anti-gun shows.

If you are in the Katy area, you can take always take your business over to Alan Jone's AJC Sports.

Onward Allusion

New member
Not to get political but I can see where he is coming from. The big online dealers usually beat the local competitor in price and it is driving the small businesses out. He is trying to stay in business. Do I think he should have gone on radio? No. But he is using this opportunity to his advantage.

I disagree. Prime example is Small brick & mortar shop kicking butt online. It's about the business plan and management's vision. This is why ACE Hardware is still around in the days of Home Depot & Lowe's.

As for the shop owner in the OP, shame on him. Double that for the back-pedaling.