Gun Store Attitude

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Since tire kickers aren't customers well.. i must fall into that category. My FFL has no store per say (more like gunsmithing services) and he handles all my transactions...

i also try to buy all my ammo in bulk online.

so when i go to the store i idle and look around. if the staff is nice, i might buy a bag or something else i like. if they are really nice, i actually return for their range.

if they have an attitude, i just don't bother.

how about that? who lost on the whole thing? me, the nice store which still had me buy something, or the hollier than thou people who didn't make a penny but had to clean after my boots at the end of the day?

that said i don't actually ask the clerk to hand me down all the guns so i can play with them. see i need to start doing that.

gun shops are like car dealers, only worse in most cases. one time i was at a major dealer and i did find a car i liked so i go for the test drive. we climb in and i am about to drive off but the salesdude goes "uhm take it for a spin in the lot first, so you can get used to it..." i look at him with a major twisted look and leave. i bought the same car from the dealer down the road, for 1500 more, because they did everything i asked and didn't ask for.

sometimes people think that just because they might be the only place in their small town it is ok to transcend their small town complex attitudes all over and presume they actually don't sound... odd.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
For what it's worth ...

It looks like we are on to the general subject of how retailers treat their walk-in customers. Gun store attitudes is a subset of that larger subject. This thread is becoming about that broader subject.

As far as "rights" of buyers and sellers go, allow me contribute this, at the risk of sounding too philosophical about the whole thing: Every citizen has the right to act foolishly and offend those around him. Then one must then pay the consequences. Those consequences may be codified in law or set in custom.

A quote from my favorite contemporary author/philosopher:
There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences.
- P. J. O'Rourke

That said, how smart is it to deliberately offend the sensibilities of a fellow citizen for the mere purpose of getting a reaction? I don't know the answer, but I do believe it is your right to do so. I also believe that every citizen has the right to act foolishly ... as long as it causes no physical harm or diminishment of property. Your feelings are under your control, only. I and many others here and in all walks of life served many years under an oath to defend this country against all threats, foreign and domestic (paraphrased). That includes your right to burn the flag. I think it is foolish, but you have that right. It offends me, but you have the right to do that also. I determine my own reaction ... and that will have consequences too.

For example, I live in Georgia. As far as I can determine, from queries to members of local law enforcement and those legal eagles willing to render an unofficial opinion, Georgia law is silent on the subject of open carry. A Georgia Firearms License conveys the right to carry concealed, with conditions. Without getting into the standing arguments concerning the assertion of my rights under the 2nd Amendment, even with a GFL, if I were to carry in the open in this state, I would deserve, nay, be begging for, the negative reaction of the next ignorant Deputy I ran into. Consequences.


Moderator Emeritus
Gun Store Salespeople:

We're all ignorant, ill-mannered jerks who patronize our polite, long-suffering customers, all of whom know way more than we do.


New member
r. w. schrack, for me to reply in greater detail would hijak the thread even further than already done. Suffice to say, no, I don't have a great deal of sympathy for Nazis or Confederates and don't accord either group much honor or respect. If your cause was evil, your cause was evil, even if you claim that you weren't aware of it in hindsight - that's self-serving and intellectually dishonest at best.

To keep it gun-shop related, I still chuckle at the the thought of the salesman who told me I'd never find a Ruger 10/22, new or used, for less than $200.

r.w. schrack

New member
Just one more word

I bet if some 75 year old lady whos husband just died brought his luger matched of coarse in nice holster and belt with a mint SS buckle to your shop and said she wanted $25 for the whole lot, You'd jump right on it and sell it for some ongodly price, would this be before or after you shot her. After all this is the internet not real.


I bet if some 75 year old lady whos husband just died brought his luger matched of coarse in nice holster and belt with a mint SS buckle to your shop and said she wanted $25 for the whole lot, You'd jump right on it and sell it for some ongodly price, would this be before or after you shot her. After all this is the internet not real.

Projecting are we.:barf:

Im here to make a buck, not screw old ladies.

And I have no problem selling an SS buckle to a decent militaria collector. I have issues with wannabe Storm Troopers parading around in one.



Tamara said:
We're all ignorant, ill-mannered jerks who patronize our polite, long-suffering customers, all of whom know way more than we do.

You, um, forgot the part about forbidding us to use any outside ammunition in your range, and forcing us to buy it all from you (targets too!) at drastically inflated prices. :p

Oh, and colluding with all the other gun shop/ranges in the county to do the same...

(Don't laugh: the scumbag profiteers in Palm Beach County have done exactly that! :mad: )


r.w. schrack

New member
You Disappoint me.

Think you just clarifed my point it is ok to make a buck, but not ok to wear an item, hot news flash many collectors have that type of s@#t all over thier homes, plastered on walls live and breath it 24 hours a day. I have worn my buckle for close to 25 years and not once has anyone said anything about it. I do not love hitler nor beleive in any of his weird ideas, I have more of a problem with a person who stares at my crouch. Some of the dealers are Jewish and love making a buck with this type of stuff, guess you are just singling me out. Lets not forget the re-enactors guess thay are a bunch of want to be Storm Troopers who actualy dress up and run thru the fields. You can call me what you want and I don't care, this is the internet not real, Next week I might wear a Telituby buckle who cares. Sorry folks if an individual wouldn't have made the shoot Nazi statement I would not have fabricated this whole story, my apologizes to all. Bad Schrack, guess it did bring out the true colors.


New member
schrack, I'm a little confused. You say the SS buckle was your uncles and then claimed all Germans were not Nazis. Was the buckle his because he "earned" it as a member of the SS or did he obtain it some other way and he was only an ordinary member of the German Army?

1. If he was SS, he was a Nazi!
2. If he obtained it some other way and was merely a member of the German Army, why do you wear it to honor him? ...and if you wear it to honor him -- even though he did not earn it and was not a Nazi, for heaven's sake, please choose something else of his to honor him.

I served four years in Germany in the US Army ('78-'82), and there were several older men working for the Army who had been soldiers during WWII. All said they were not Nazi's, all never fired a shot in anger so none actually killed any Americans/British/Canadians, etc. Even the guy who worked in our office and was a member of a mortar crew!

Yes, America is the land of liberty and you can jolly well do what you want, as long as it isn't illegal. But I'm sure many here would think you wear the buckle less to honor your uncle (why not honor your dad?) and more to get a reaction! I think you are just a "thrill seeker" and you found some here!


New member
I have more of a problem with a person who stares at my crouch
why am i reminded of all those times i've come across a woman with 'surgically enhanced' appendages that slaps me for never making eye contact?

p.s. i think you meant 'crotch'.

p.p.s. given the fact that the majority of WA's business has been to sell products at far lower prices than the competition, and that everyone who has bought from him knows this, you are left with a good portion of egg on your face insinuating that WA would cheat his customer.


New member
schrack, here's an idea ... sell your Nazi memorabilia and buy a clue! :mad:

Just because nobody called you on it in close to 25 years doesn't make it any more socially acceptable.
Leif said:
To keep it gun-shop related, I still chuckle at the the thought of the salesman who told me I'd never find a Ruger 10/22, new or used, for less than $200.
I agree. I have 6 or so and the first and last ones cost $50 & 75. Although the seller did throw in a Model 60 Glenfield with the last one.
The most I have paid was about $95 apiece for 6 new ones about 15 years ago. It was a deal for a Scoutmaster to reward boys in our troop for making Eagle.


lol wearing Bundeswehr stuff or Reg WW2 german army gear is one thing...but an SS buckle? You gotta be a 100% NSDAP scumbag to get one of those...they didnt give them away..just like all their other ranks and insignias..all different from Wermacht and all iheritently evil. YOu collect cans of Zyklon B as well? Cause your granddaddy use to have few?

People who are serious collectors of war memorbillia are one thing...but when you start wearing the stuff and dancing around the house singing Horst gone to far..:barf:


Yeah I had a remington old Nylon Green diamond back tube feeder....pure classic..anyways had feed I took it into a gun shop..when the gunsmith was done fixing never shot again..multiple attempts made it bad I heard later on it was worth alot of money...

Moral of the storey..dont like the gun shop shop at one you do..

r.w. schrack

New member
Guess you told me

Thanks for all your kind words. frankly who cares except a small few of you, and i'm not the one who wants to shoot anyone. You can think what you want and I go on wearing my buckle not caring that you care or not. Alot of things bother me but I don't go around bashing them. But symbols are ok as long as you can make a buck. What is realy amazing is how can a shop owner bad mouth a customer, even if he is a tire kicker. remember some day he might have the ducketts to by then I bet he is your pal. This is all I have to say on the matter . Schrack


New member
459. You never did explain your statements in the "protecting your property in tx." thread, but here you are calling someone else a nazi. Why does every thread you and wildak. appear on turn into something racially prejudiced? Come on over and let's us continue the debate.:)

Bud Helms

Senior Member
'Looks like some attitudes and opinions are, shall we say, fixed? As in unchanging. This one has run its course.


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