Gun safe In the garage questions.


Can one expect a single Golden Rod to keep a 72 gun safe at say 60-70 degrees through these temperature swings? Heating the garage is a wonderful idea but cost prohibitive.

You seem to have missed the point of how a Goldenrod works. No, of course it won't keep the safe @ 60-70*F, but that's irrelevant to this discussion.


New member
You seem to have missed the point of how a Goldenrod works. No, of course it won't keep the safe @ 60-70*F, but that's irrelevant to this discussion

Actually it is relevant since that was the original question and the one which I was asking opinions about.

According to Goldenrod's website:

How GoldenRod Works

GoldenRod® heats to a surface temperature of less than 150° F (which is almost too warm to hold) and circulates warm, dry air throughout an enclosure on a 24 hour basis. This increases the temperature of the air inside to several degrees above the ambient outside temperature. Expansion of the heated air forces the moist air outside through the vents or loose fitting doors leaving the dry air inside.

It was my intent to get opinions or actual first hand experience from persons who either were doing this or had done this type of gun storage. I thought maybe someone who had one could tell what kind of temps they had inside the safe since as stated the rods get to 150 degrees.


Actually it is relevant since that was the original question and the one which I was asking opinions about.

According to Goldenrod's website:

How GoldenRod Works

GoldenRod® heats to a surface temperature of less than 150° F (which is almost too warm to hold) and circulates warm, dry air throughout an enclosure on a 24 hour basis. This increases the temperature of the air inside to several degrees above the ambient outside temperature. Expansion of the heated air forces the moist air outside through the vents or loose fitting doors leaving the dry air inside.

It was my intent to get opinions or actual first hand experience from persons who either were doing this or had done this type of gun storage. I thought maybe someone who had one could tell what kind of temps they had inside the safe since as stated the rods get to 150 degrees.

I've been using a Goldenrod for years. I know how hot they get and how they work. If you'll read and properly comprehend the information that I've quoted in this post, you'll perhaps "get it." ;)

Harry Callahan

New member
Thankyou for your thoughts gentlemen, I do appreciate it, also Mr Callahan, do you know of a good place in the NW suburbs to go and play with rifles, I understand this a shotgun state only for deer, but I'm headed back to CO for 3rd season elk, and would like to shoot for a few days, plus I have a new toy I'd like to sight in and also to play with some of my reloads

There is a place up north in Bristol you may want to look in to. I haven't been there yet but I understand some gun clubs practice there. There is also a place in Ottawa right off of I-80. I haven't been there for a long time either but it would serve it's purpose. I go to an indoor range in Des Plaines but would love to try the one in Bristol.