Gun Rooms


New member
Several years ago there was a post about gun rooms. Here is mine! I built my house about ten years ago. We moved in and continued to finish the inside for several years. During that time I just threw together some tempoary benchs and shelves in one corner of the basement. The last two winters I have worked on my gun room. The first winter I enclosed a 10 X10 foot room with secure walls and door that looks like a normal six panel oak door. It open to the outside and is actually two oak doors; laminated and bolted together with steel between the two, two commerical grade 6 pin dead bolts. This last winter I pulled out the tempoary shelves and benches and put in new cabinets and laminated top. I still need to lay up the corner section of the counter top. This is as clean as it gets!






Coach Z

New member

That looks beautiful, I'd love to build something like that some day.

Did you buy that door or fabricate it yourself?


New member

I really like the safe you built. The entire set up is very nice. I've been thinking along a similar line and this is good inspiration. Thanks.


New member
How cares about the TV, or the beer fridge, what you need is a coffee maker.

I am however envious of your reloading bench.


New member
Awesome, I hope to have something like that one day. I plan on having one that looks like that basement from the movie Tremors


New member
I could find a reasonably priced steel door. So the door was made from two damaged doors purchased from a builder supply for $20.00 each, mostly water stains. The insides were routed out to set in rebar and a sheet of 1/8" steel. Drilled and screwed together from the inside with approx. 40 1/4" wood screws, and epoxied. Door weighs approx. 120 pounds and is held by two hidden SOSS security hinges rated for 500 pound doors. Dead bolts lock into one 1/8X6"x6' steel jam plate covered by 3/4" fir. Door opens to the outside, harder to pull a door open than kick one in. Door handle with give and break first.

Walls are re-inforced, horizontal 1/2" rebar every 6" floor to ceiling tied into poured basemnet walls; welded at the corners. More than just fire rated drywall covering the studs.
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New member
We are in the process of designing our home. One of the things that I am incorporating is a safe room/vault in my man cave to house my gun collection and reloading stations. I know it'll be expensive but the walls will all be poured concrete as will the ceiling with mats of reinforcing steel and one of those security door with locking lugs like the safe doors. There are a bunch of manufacturers making them with a 6 panel look like normal house doors. The locking system will hopefully be biometric if I can swing the cost of that in addition to the rest. I'd rather spend more on the front end than trying to renovate the space later.

Hey, my wife gets her kitchen, laundry and girly spaces, I'm going to get my man cave. Luckily I'm in the construction business and built houses for 25years so I can incorporate that area in without incurring too much extra expense.

Good looking room and a well stocked bench.


New member
This reminds me of an old armory safe door. Story was told to me by civilians that worked for the govt. The locking mechanism had froze up and all attempts by the base locksmith were of no use. So the structures guys looked at the plan and simply cut the walls around the safe door to gain access. :D

Does not matter how strong the door is if the jamb and/or wall that hold it are the weak points.


New member
I am SOOOOOOOOO jealous! A gun room never occurred to me. :eek:

(And I also am jealous of some of those guns!! Would love to know what's in that safe!) :D

In the rifles hanging on the wall, middle rack (left side of wall), what are the top and third rifle down? Winchester semi-autos? The bolt guns look like bench guns so do you hunt with the autos? :confused:

What a reloading setup!