Gun Prices will rise again


New member
I think that there is a bit of confusion here. I realize for that metal prices drove allot of things up including and the prices have done nothing but go up as mentioned before.....but at certain times they spike higher than normal case in point. Saving Private Ryan when it first came out everyone wanted a Garand, prices jumped I was at gun shows when they were asking 650-700 for them. Considering that weeks prior I just bought one for 375.
The demand has also driven up the prices for automatics one reason because demand and the other is why? Because the supply is limited AKA weapons ban. Thank you democrats for that. So for someone to tell me that It's paranoia setting it. No its the realization that it will happen again the Dems have it it their agenda whether you choose to believe it or go to a different beat it is entirely up to you. May not be now but it is just a matter of time, If the democrats don't even bring up the issuse it will be a first. Besides if they were not a threat the NRA would not need people to investigate and lobby for 2nd Amendment. Believe what you want but history does not lie.


New member
I have been buying guns over 40 years and I cannot recall prices ever "coming down".
Back in 1977, a friend of mine bought a base model Colt AR-15 for something between $500 - $700. I don't recall the exact amount, but I do recall I bought my first car for $500 at about the same time, and I remember his gun cost more.

Oly sells base model AR-15s for less than $600. Considering inflation and the improvements in machining, materials, and technology in general, I think you can get a better rifle now for less money in real dollars than in 1977. Also, I bought a NIB Springfield Milspec for a "sale price" of $410 circa 2002, and in 2004 saw the same gun in the same store selling for $390.

I do think most guns made now are about as inexpensive in real dollars as you're likely to see - we are essentially at the bottom of the cycle - and so will probably rise in price along with inflation and manufacturing costs. On top of that, you'll probably see an additional increase due to panic buying (sudden demand surge creating suddenly depleted supply).


after a lot of thought I have come to the conclusion we are going to be in a world of hurt with the Dem's in power in the house and senate. if we elect a Dem president in 08 the stuff will realy hit the fan ,so get what you want now B4 it's too late.:D As they continue to molest and dismantale the constitution prices will skyrocket and they may even confiscate weapons they deem unaceptable for the public at large.use DC,NJ,Mass,and CAL as an example of what can happen and it's just a matter of time.and they will use our tax dollers to enforce it and tell us it's for our own good .:(


New member
The Dems are back in so I've started my stock of for sure banned guns. Last month I got a Bushmaster AR15 M3 and today I picked up an S&W M&P15 M4A3 :D :) :D . I'll get an AK47 hopefully within a week or two. Now for the ammo supply :rolleyes: :D .


New member
OK,OK, The democrats have the majority in both houses of Congress. But, it's not a 2/3 majority. Any bills they pass can still be vetoed by the President. Let them show their true colors and then hammer them with the truth at the next election.