Gun Prices will rise again


New member
I know it is partialy political but also gun related but I can't help but to think that gun prices will start to go back up maybe not immediately but within the next year or so i am predicting with this recent swing of house majority shift. I told wifey I wanted to get assult rifle before the prices started to sky rocket again. Or almost any weapon for that matter. Just my thoughts


New member
I don't think that gun prices should go up right away, but I imagine that they will. I'm sure some gun makers wouldn't mind stoking a few fears to make a few bucks. Business is business. I wouldn't be surprised to see a quick spike in prices and an eventual drift down.

Post-2008, however, could be a rough ride.


New member
I think paranoia has taken effect quite a bit. The democrats learnt a lesson starting back in 1994 that it doesn't matter if you take away free speech, do away with habeas corpus, arrest people without charge or trial and many other things as long as you simply let people have the odd firearm. If anything I see more limits on what can be imported into the US to help US gunmakers that we been seeing throughout the 80s and these past few years.


Prices for 2007 are already up and have been for a month or so, politics has nothing to do with it...



New member

The Dems want the presidency (prolly for Her Highness). I don't think they'll do the gun thing again yet - that's what put the Republicans in power last time.

The only thing I really want is a repeal to the McClure-Volmer Act. I can swing $200, but $8k for registered M16s is silly.




New member
I don't think it has been 8K for M16 rifles for quite some time. They are more in the 10-11K range.

I also would be happy to pay the 200.00 tax to own a gun with a happy switch.


New member
it is not a matter of paranoia it is a matter of history repeating itself, if you fail to learn from it you are destined to repeat it. More infringments of our rights they did it in the past and they will do it again mark my words.


New member
Heres a little paper I whiped up for a scool assignment.

The Right to Bear Arms

The Assault Weapons Ban is a bill that was pushed through by President Clinton to begin outlawing all forms of firearms. It was in fact only a baby step in that direction, but then again the first step is the most difficult. Clinton favored this bill because he was Democratic. The Republicans are, for the most part, against most forms of gun control. It is an illogical ban that had no real justification and no positive impact.
What the bill banned was all semi-automatic (one round fired for every pull of the trigger) firearms with any one or more of the following: A bayonet lug, a flash suppressor, a high capacity magazine (holds 10 or more rounds), or a pistol grip stock. None of these affect the lethality of the firearm. Rather they are for aesthetic appeal or comfort for the shooter.
In august of 1966 Charles Whitman climbed to the top of the bell tower at Texas University, and over the span of 96 minutes he killed 16 people and wounded 30. He did this with a bolt-action rifle (a round must be manually rechambered after every shot). While in comparison two gun men in the north Hollywood shootout were covered in full body armor and used several fully automatic (rounds are continually fired while the trigger is held down) rifles injured only 15. This shows that it is not the gun but the willingness and the skill of the shooter.
One argument that pro gun control activists’ use for the assault weapons ban is that there is no use for assault weapons but to kill. This is simply not true. Many people across the United States, including myself, have a perfectly legitimate hobby of target shooting. In all reality, the ban was made as a first and rather minor step towards the ban of all weapons threw out the United States. Politicians realize that if legislation is taken in smaller, incremental steps, the public is less likely to gather strong opposition. The thinking is along the lines of slipping it in quietly, instead of knocking out the competition in one blow.
Many gun control advocates believe placing bans such as this one would reduce crime. This is not true. Gun control only serves to remove purchasing of these guns from law-abiding citizens. These add-ons are still readily available but for a much higher price. Criminals are not going to suddenly stop their illegal ways, simply because what they are doing is against one more law. England has some of the strictest gun controls in the world. There is a ban on virtually all firearms, and yet they also have one of the highest crime rates in the world.
There are several other issues associated with the ban. The ban stated that the only way an assault weapon is illegal is if it was produced after the ban was set in place (1992). This made it so that you could still buy and own assault weapons they just couldn’t be produced after the ban was placed. All this accomplished is millions of our tax dollars down the drain because the ban was lifted September 14th 2004. This made the ban last only 8 years, which had little affect on guns in our society other than the slowing of the demand for U.S. made gun parts.
There are people planning to continue the fight to reinstate the ban and put in effect other useless bans, which will likely result in another waste of the government’s time and money. Americans need to join together and fight to preserve one of the basic principles that our forefathers considered important enough to make the Second Amendment to the Constitution: The Right to Bear Arms.

I relize its not a great paper but my teacher knows nothing about guns so I got an A.


New member
I don't know that gun prices had ever gone down

Every now and then I'll search gunbroker, just for giggles, and everything in my safe just keeps going up. So many threads here seem to begin with "What's the cheapest..." Save up your nickles, and buy a high quality firearm, and it's not going down.

My two cents.


New member
I have to agree, it has nothing to do with the democrats. Metals have been going up and name the last time we had deflation in our country? Maybe the great depretion? The only real argument you might have is to say people are going to increase demand(hense price rise) fearing a new ban...

~ I liked your essay, kinda talked down to us but I suppose a teacher might be a bit rusty on different types of weapons. I only realy care about my hunting rifles but I always deffend all firearms. Hitler didn't send the jews to the camps first, he eliminated groups one at a time, gays, jypsies... Even if I don't care about having "assualt" type weapons, I'm not about to let them tkae them away, I always vote for someone who'll fight for our rights... strength in numbers.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Whitman initiated his killing with a hunting knife, on his wife and his mother. He used a shotgun-pistol on the woman in the observation deck office, and also on a family of four who interupted him there. Killed three, wounded two.

He began shooting down at the south mall with a GI Carbine and then changed to his 6mm Remington. (Don't remember the brand and model. Rem 721 or 722, probably.)

Anyhow, with steel prices having doubled in the last couple of years and labor costs going up, I'm not surprised that firearms prices have risen; I expect the rise to continue. The dollar is down against foreign currencies, and will continue to fall, so imported stuff will continue to increase in price.

Undoubtedly paranoia will see some increase in the asking prices of EBRs and accoutrements.

Remember that even under Clinton and continuing to the present, firearms sales remained fairly constant at some five million per year, per the BATFE records.



The dollar is not as strong as it was ,and there is an inflation going on here so prices must rise.let's hope politics don't force prices even higher.:D

Desert Heat

New member
Guns have been rising for years now, and they are only going to go up more. Crude materials are going up and the dollar is tanking thanks to W's spending.


New member
Note: the essay post above was done by a friend of mine who is not normally on here, and I let him post under my name instead of creating one that he'd use once.

Anyway, I agree that the dems don't have enough power yet to do much, but I still think that something could get through that targets "evil guns that nobody needs"

Who knows...

Oh, and I believe he wrote that paper as a sophomore or freshmen in H.S. for an english class. (1-2 years ago)


New member
I wasn't aware that they had stopped going up in price at anytime over the last 3 years:eek:
I work in a field of distribution where we quickly see the effects of rising raw material costs. As many have already pointed out, a lot of the increases have been due to greatly rising costs of raw materials due to high foreign demand and low supply....most notably steel & aluminum a couple of years ago, copper this year, and most currently...lead. Thus one reason why you see ammo going up in price (lead cost), and why you will very soon see prices on many lead-based products increas greatly, such as automobile batteries. It is likely that firearms and firearm related products, due to the nature of their composition, will continue to increase at a pretty large rate over the next 3-5yrs due to global economy growth and raw material consumption...less to do with political climate.