Gun people are......


New member
In 39 years of shooting and collecting I have only once encountered rudeness and hostility from another shooter. And I think the face of the shooting sports reflects the face of the USA today. The indoor range where I
do my shooting at present reflects the local population, still majority white but with a very large number of black shooters and a fair number of Hispanics.
During one range session I saw two middle aged black women in one of the lanes, one of whom was an NRA certified instructor-so much for the liberal
notion that shooters wear brown shirts up North and white sheets down South. I related elsewhere the time I witnessed the young black father taking his son in for a range session, and I have spent pleasant hours in the company of other shooters there.
If gun people have any real failings, it is because of our "leave us alone" philosophy that we lack a flair for PR and getting our message out to the
general public.


New member
it's the serious looking yo-boys shooting their Glock 9's sideways and yelling "GET SOME B##CH" that give chills. I'm being serious. It's not just that range, several ranges have these idiots.

These are the kind of people law abiding citizens are denied the right to defend theirselves from.


New member
it's the serious looking yo-boys shooting their Glock 9's sideways and yelling "GET SOME B##CH" that give chills. I'm being serious. It's not just that range, several ranges have these idiots.

At the range I go to, those same guys come in and rent a Glock 9mm, and try shooting them "gansta-style." When they do, they'll get a brief meeting with the 300lb RO and promptly get kicked out. He doesn't tolerate that sort of crap. Nice guy if you behave youself, but his rules are his rules.

Guy B. Meredith

New member
Regarding LEOs at shooting events, yes they are there, but they are part of the action like you say. Civilians can participate in PPC at Chabot Gun Club in the SF East Bay area along with FBI, Treasury and local LEO. Quite a number of LEOs practice holster work at the public IPSC practice bay in Richmond.


New member
The first time I took my new girlfriend shooting, a kind gentleman watched her shoot, made some suggestions, and presto, a new enthusiast. She asks all the time when we can go shoot again.

Heck, I knew I had a keeper when she asked me how to clean the guns!:D
"In 39 years of shooting and collecting I have only once encountered rudeness and hostility from another shooter."

You're a lucky man, then.

I've run into some truly monumental *** holes over the years.

Several of the worst, and I mean absolute WORST, were high-end shotgun shooters who shot $5,000 shotguns and drove $100,000 cars.

Number 6


I've run into some truly monumental *** holes over the years.

Several of the worst, and I mean absolute WORST, were high-end shotgun shooters who shot $5,000 shotguns and drove $100,000 cars.

Golfers with guns.......

They'd be ***holes in any sport. :barf:


New member
In my experience people who drive $100,000 cars think they have also bought the road or at least 300 yards of private road space. And people with
$5000 shotguns who look down on those with $500 shotguns usually can't
shoot for sour apples-"can't hit the broad side of a barn from the inside."
Usually they are called snobs, I call them pretend they ares.


New member
My "chime-in" post from a previous thread:

I am a materialistic, spoiled, pampered, well-groomed and culturally-refined young Republican suburbanite yuppie who was raised by tree-hugging hippie liberal bookworm intellectuals. (Ever see The Big Chill? THAT'S them!)

My fiance is a Birkenstock-wearing tye-dye-T-shirt-clad eco-scientist who was raised by a gun-toting, cammo-wearing, right-wing, chest-thumping red-meat Republican stock-piling weapons and MRE's in his sand-bag-fortified basement screaming about "Commies" and gaining FAR too much pleasure from his latest copy of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

We're all "Gun People." Any questions?