Gun Noises


New member
Just for fun and knowledge. What Rifle makes a noise you hate or love?
For me the "rattle" of the recoil spring in an AR-15 is annoying.
But I love the "tang" Noise of a M1 garand as it Kicks out the clip. I love firearms in general and would like to hear about Weapons I have never shot. Any one with the Barret 50?


New member
Not a rifle but a handgun. I've owned two Glocks and neither one sounds right. In the movies and on tv whenever anyone raises a Glock they always go 'click' or 'click-click' but mine never made that sound at all. I must be the only guy to buy two Glocks and have both turn out to be defective. :mad:


New member
love the ping of an M1 and the fire from an AK. i also like that last batch of .303 surplus i bought that works like a flintlock. click...........ka-boom. there is about a second delay between the primer strike and when the round goes off. :D


i love the sound of the multibarreled electric gatling guns!!!! i didn't care much for the click clack sound of my 1022 before i had the recoil buffer installed....... and yep .50 cal. bolt actions sound amazing to me!!


New member
Agreed with AR-15 rattle and M1 ping...

I can't believe no one has mentioned the shucking of a pump shotgun!! CHKCHK. Best gun noise around, IMO.

Also like the symphony of sounds associated with a bolt action being cycled... bolt turned, withdrawn, pushed forward, turned again... ahhhhhh... music!

Lastly, the sound of fresh mag being inserted and the slide catch being pushed on a semi-auto handgun.


New member

I hate that pogo stick under my cheek...

The clicks as an SAA is cocked are pretty cool.

So is the slick sound of a 92 lever action locking up.




New member
I hate the cheap sound an AK's safety make when being enabled/disabled. I don't like the sound of a lose AR-15's rattly clack sound. josh


New member
Have you ever heard the 'zip' of an MG42 or MG17?
The roar of a minigun?
The thunder of an M2HB?

And loads of tannerite?

Its all music to my ears...

(which may explain the tinnitus:rolleyes: )


New member
Sorry, not a rifle noise, but I'm kind of partial to the thunderous boom of a .44mag handgun with a 4" unported barrel ... at least so far. :)


New member
Lots of good sounds here already, so I'll add a different one; the firing of a muzzleloading rifle- click...pop...BOOM!

Big booms and lots of smoke always make things more fun :D

Anthony Terry

New member
what about the sound of a 416 rigby with a huge muzzle brake. i love that sound from shooting under my shed!:D
nah, but theres an old abandoned dirt road around here where we shoot, next to the river, and it goes straight for like 1 1/2 miles. it makes an awesome sound when you send a bullet down threw therr...


New member
Two sounds come to mind when you talk about gun noises: the deep THUNK when a large caliber round drops into the chamber of a single shot rifle, and the CLACK or a M16 slamming a round home.

But I must agree that the sound of a M60 or a M2 still make my heart go pitty-pat. Nothing like it.


New member
The unharmonious cacophony of my WASR chambering the first round is pure music. Evil music. The sound of business. Also love the sound of ten 7.62's sliding out of a stripper clip without bunching up.


New member
+1 to 308Enfield, I love the click/pop/boom of a blackpowder firearm.
Also the sound of a slide chambering a fresh round.
Haven't heard any yet that I dislike, but always willing to listen to something new.

TexiCali Slim

New member
Well now that the guns are just about summed up.....

things I hate hearing while I am around guns,
1) HEADS UP!!!!!!
2) Oh %#$^ watch out
3) How was I supposed to know it was loaded!?!?
:p :D :p