Gun in the new Rambo movie

Willie D

New member
The other thing I think the movie depicted accurately is the Burmese commander. It showed the child molesting and homosexual behavior for the evil perversion it is.

I don't like, understand or want to move to San Francisco but don't equate child rape with consentual adult queers. BTW, the kind of sick stuff the bad guys do in the movie is pretty much par for the course with all of our "allies" in the middle east.

But back to Rambo!

If that movie has any message it sure as hell ain't anti-gun!

I hope he makes a Cobra sequel next.


New member
If that movie has any message it sure as hell ain't anti-gun!

Stallone has no problems using firearms in movies. He just thinks that people beneath him shouldn't have any firearms but he is happy to take your money. :barf: