gun control statistics...


New member
Fast food kills MILLIONS, not hundreds. All that deep-fried, saturated fat,
cholesterol, and high-fructose corn-syrup GLOP everybody wolfs down, without
a second thought is far more deadly. Bloomberg and Soros own thousands of these
stores and franchises, so one would be led to believe that they CARE, if we get
shot, but COULD CARE LESS, if we eat ourselves to death?

Take a noob shooting. Show them a good time with the 22LRs. No anti-gun
argument in the world can compete with a sunny day at the range, having
fun. Arguments are just words. Antis are full of them, from their ears to
their ass. What are they going to do, to argue with a day at the range?
Not take them to the range?


New member
As someone who is a researcher professionally who minored in stats during my PhD studies I can say that...

The research on gun control is mixed. What that means is that I can pull up example statistics/studies showing gun control works or that it is terrible. The problem with most people is that they only tend to want to look at the results that support their conclusions so they ignore the other studies/or dismiss them as bad, when they themselves have no idea how to read a research study.

The biggest problem with gun control is that there are many variables at play and its very difficult to say that correlation A or correlation B make the most sense. So each group (for/against) just picks the correlation they want to use to their advantage and just say its correct. People do this in politics, business, etc. I see it every day and read it on the news. Heck most of our society believes a news headline and doesn't even read the story let alone look at the research study where the story came from...and then there is a large majority that believe fake facebook memes. I guess we are just doomed.


New member
adamBomb said:
As someone who is a researcher professionally who minored in stats during my PhD studies I can say that...

The research on gun control is mixed. What that means is that I can pull up example statistics/studies showing gun control works or that it is terrible. The problem with most people is that they only tend to want to look at the results that support their conclusions so they ignore the other studies/or dismiss them as bad, when they themselves have no idea how to read a research study.

The biggest problem with gun control is that there are many variables at play and its very difficult to say that correlation A or correlation B make the most sense. So each group (for/against) just picks the correlation they want to use to their advantage and just say its correct. People do this in politics, business, etc. I see it every day and read it on the news. Heck most of our society believes a news headline and doesn't even read the story let alone look at the research study where the story came from...and then there is a large majority that believe fake facebook memes. I guess we are just doomed.

I really could care less about any gun-control stats. Unless I am interfering with someone else's rights, my actions are done with a clear conscience. And for the straw man types, no that doesn't mean break the law :)


New member
The anti-guners have millions and millions of $$$ behind them. The NRA is a piker in comparison. I was hoping to see some pro gun activity with the new Administration, but so far nada. The Country wide ccw reciprocity is a prime example. It is currently in the hands of a House committee and going nowhere. There are several States that are fighting the reciprocity.


New member
The same regions and cities that control politics are the same areas that oppose gun rights, I don't think we'll see national reciprocity.
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I don't think we'll see national reciprocity

We won't, and its questionable if we even should. States have rights, too.

Our system was created in a time when no one could conceive of the anti-gun zealotry that has ruled certain states, increasingly powerfully for the past half century or so. We had just fought a war over such things and certainly weren't going to do to ourselves what the Crown did, and wanted to do to us...

I think the only thing that would pass Constitutional muster is if all the states voluntarily agreed, like they do with driver's licenses. And that appears to have the proverbial snowball's chance of happening.

Sorry for the drift...back to statistics...

We all know the old saying about statistics, but their being old doesn't make them any less true.

Depending on where you set your parameters, statistics can seem to "prove" anything.

The old story about how engineers calculated everything and it showed that the bumblebee couldn't fly, but the bee, not knowing the math, flies anyway.

don't know if its true, but its a good story.

one I do know about is one a co-worker had as homework for the physics course they were taking.

guy gets into a pool, swims to the far end, swims back and gets out exactly where he got in.

The assignment was to use the formulas and show the steps that proved the swimmer did not go anywhere!!!

At certain levels, math gets ...weird...
and statistics are math....:rolleyes: