Gun Control Off Political Radar


No, my contention is that they've both spent the last dozen years violating our rights; our only choices are which rights get eroded and how fast it happens.
I can see that you've learned something by living in East Tennessee...but slide-steps aren't valid except when someone's shooting at you.

Can we deal with the reality of the situation, please? We're on a downward slide [the noose is around our necks and someone's about to quirt the horses] and the reality is that the two-party system, unless we start shooting our neighbors, is going to be in place for a while.

As I've stated on many an occasion, I'll delay the slide into full-blown fascism as long as I can on the fond hope that we'll be able to reverse the trend.

Do you agree? If so, what party gives us more time to delay our hanging? We're 24 days from a major election, fer pete's sake. Is there a realistic alternative? This is a hugely important election...if for no other reason than we can blunt the trend to use the Constitution as other than outhouse reading.

You show me a Republicrat party commited to restoring rights, instead of just offering a different menu of violations, and I'll buy it, but at what point do you quit compromising and say: "This far, no further"? How long do you offer your allegiance in hopes of a more luxurious cell?
How 'bout just holding the line? You must be familiar with the attempt by a RINO governor and a Democrat legislature to institute an unConstitutional income tax in the Free State of Tennessee. Can't we start our peaceful revolution on a state-by-state basis?

I assume you're registered to vote. Who gets your nod on November 5th? Or does it make any difference?!?


Getting back on topic, gun control seemed to be put on the back burner after 9/11, because we had a foreign enemy attack. Even then, it might have been little more than wishful thinking on our part. If 9/11 took a little wind out of the sails of the grabbers, the Maryland shootings are likely to propel them forward once again.

Caliban nailed it:

I assure you, gun control is alive and kicking, and will be back once the whole MD sniper thing concludes.
Right now they just don't know how to approach it.
Once they have the person in custody and find out what kind of weapon is being used, that will determine their game plan.

Look for the whole 'ballistic fingerprinting' scam to be pushed hard.
Also look for them to start making sounds to the effect of heavily regulating 'assault' rifles. Worst case scenario: AR15's get reclassified as NFA weapons that must have a tax stamp on them.
Best case scenario: same old, same old. Don't expect AW '94 to go away.

Face it. Every major gun control law in the past 40 years, has been motivated by a high-profile shooting. The event is dissected, and the gun control script is tailored to respond to the fears generated. Maximum fear = maximum potential for new gun laws. Right now, I'd say the fear level is getting pretty high. The only way it won't help Sarah Brady, is if its discovered that the sniper is her own son, using the rifle she bought for him last year (fingers crossed, heheh).


New member
Great analysis!

One additional factor to consider.

Past grabbing legislation and regulations were focused on handguns and carefully chosen long guns. Such a division created two classes of shooters. Handgunners and hunters. In the political fist fight that resulted most of the fighting was done by the handgunners.

This situation will begin the demonization of hunters. Now the numbers of those demonized just balooned.

We can't stop the grabbers next move, but we can sure count on a larger number of gunners in the fist fight.


New member
To me, the media are currently ahead of anti-gun politicians in trying to turn the DC-area murders into a gun control issue. The police in the area are helping by focusing on the gun and any gun skills involved.

IOW, to politicians, gun control may be a losing issue at the moment. But the media gain viewers and readers (and money and power) by spreading fear and fanning the flames of controversy. That's their stock in trade. Ultimately, if the hard-core anti-gun professionals act in concert with the media to turn the sniper killing reportage (already bad enough) into a media wildfire, then opportunist anti-gun politicians will join them. The Bush victory derailed the Clinton/Gore anti-gun express train, but mass murder by gun is just what the antis need to get back on track.
