Gun Control article in Playboy???

Dave R

New member
I enjoy the varied debates that TFL creates. Hot sauce, handloads, virtue...

I'm with Cpt. Park on this one. Go listen to that country song...

"I think about you, and I can't help but see that every women used to be someone's little girl..."

I agree that posing nude is not prostitution, but its a big step down a slippery slope. And financially supporting pornography (by purchasing it) is somewhat akin to using a prostitute. The money goes out of your pocket and into the Pimp's, and the girl gets a little of it in exchange for a lot of her virtue.

Just like recreational drug use supports all the crime, murder and opression and the end of the drug supply chain.


New member
Bam Bam you went right to the heart of the question, and gave me a good laugh after reading everything prior to your post. LMAO :)


New member
Just got my issue yesterday, its the january 2001 issue.
Read the article this morning.

The guy interveiwed for the article might make a point or two, but if he does i missed them, and if they are there then they would be covered by many of his mis-repersentations, double speaking, and leaving out key peices of information.

One of the things he does, is compare the murder rate of colonial to pre-1840's towns to the murder rate of today, without talking about the huge increase in population from then till now.
He does make mention that guns were harder to use effecticely for just up and killing someone back then, but he never goes on to make any mention of the fact that as weapons become easier to use they will be naturally selected for doing violence due to the ease of their use compared to other weapons.

Anyone with a good knowledge of history and anthropology could put up a strong argument to what he has to say.

I have a minor knowledge of these things, but i can put up a decent argument to what he says, and i plan on using my writing skills (which i dont display on TFL usually) to make an argument to what he has to say, and then sending it to playboy.
dotn care if they run my little letter, but i do want to get it sent out.

I will post it on here when i am done, dont worry.


New member
Hey out there folks, Playboy may be more than a little pink (Pun intended) but it's not what I'd consider Porno. Thought I'd just say that it's not always a bad thing to have pictures of naked ladies. People have been making erotic art for eons, and we've survived just fine. In fact, we've run into some of out worst problems when we try to legislate sexual morality. As such, That's another area where I think it's the individual's call to decide what's right or wrong. As long as you don't hurt anyone, Who am I to tell you what to do, even if you 're doing something that I think isn't good for you? The flip side is that I don't want anyone telling me what to do either. While I respect the choices of those who choose not to partake of the photographic services in question, I can't see where they have any right to make that decision for me. As long as they don't try, We'll get along just fine. :)

In case you forgot, T-Rex is a libertarian. ;)


New member
The heart of the matter

guerilla, Thanks for getting to the heart of the matter. I think I'll avoid the frustration. I was hoping Playboy would actually surprise me, but from what you described, it's the typical crap I expected. :(

Big Bunny

New member
I agree about Playboy being pseudo...hell...go out and get the real thing. [A bit like 'replica' guns... ditto.]

Interestingly the female(?) Mayor of Broken Hill in OZ is a bi-sexual ex-prostitute, turned brothel madam.
She admits it openly to anyone and is GREAT at her new job apparently!

So much for lack of virtue ruining her election chances in this tough gold/silver/zinc mining town!!!

Enjoyed the posts a lot.



Staff Alumnus
Holding back.

I will resist the urge to take this one over the top. However, I cordially invite the posting prudes to email me, so I may respond with logic, and then derision. :D

I actually do read Playboy for the articles. Yeah, go ahead, laugh. It's true. Sure, I look at the pictures, too, but I spend a lot more time reading.

I can't speak for the past, but recent Playboys are typically very freedom friendly. Playboy strongly supports individual freedoms, while decrying government intervention. I also saw the recent Blade-Tech (IIRC) knife listed as a great Christmas present a month or two back.