Gun Control article in Playboy???


New member
Yes, it is in there. I have not read it yet, but scanning through it the author is a trap shooter, who does not love guns. Instead, he is awed by them and why people own them, "the obession" as he puts it. The gist of his work is calling into question the heritage of firearms in America, dating from Revolutionary times to the present, although the article focused mainly on the 18th and 19th centuries.
OTH, buy it and enjoy the article(s).


New member

Let me see if I've got this straight. You won't buy the Playboy because the article may or may not be any good. I must really be out of it. I'd buy it if the text were in German and I couldn't read a word of it. OK OK OK I admit it, I'm one of those sinful perverts you hear about all the time. I buy it for the pictures! A good article is just icing on the cake.


New member
I did not renew my subsciption when I realized what big supporters of the DNC they are. The friend of my enemy is probably my enemy.


New member
I'm not twisted...

O.K. O.K. I'd buy it even if the article were no good. I used to have a subscription in college, but it all gets old and I cancelled it after a few years. I know the newsstand price is about 6 or 7 dollars, right? Frankly, I can spend that money on more important things like lunch or a box of ammo. If it's another one of those uninformed idiots writing about how outdated the Second Amendment and our Constitution is, I don't need to read it and become agitated. On the other hand, maybe the pictures will soothe my temper. :)

Jeff, CA

Originally posted by joebogey:

"I buy it for the pictures! A good article is just icing on the cake."

Actually, a good article is the "redeeming social relevance" necessary to prevent Playboy from being declared "obscenity". ;)


New member
Things haven't changed there

Sounds like a rehash of Bellesiles anti-gun reinterpretation of history.

Back in the 70's Playboy had a piece of psychobabble about guns and gun owners. Then a few pages later, here are photos of Playboy members shooting trap at one of their clubs. Oh, I see, it's just the rabble who shouldn't have guns.

I trashed that mag and haven't been back since.

Bam Bam

New member
I used to think Playboy was cool when I was a teen. After not reading it for a decade I bought a copy. Its just propaganda for hedonism. The money would have been better spent on a copy of the Enchiridion or some such. Playboy, feh.


New member
My period of reading Playboy incessantly was when I was about 15. And, yes, sometimes I _did_ read the articles. Some big-gun writers at that time--Nat Hentoff, Norman Mailer--left my mind liberally warped until a couple of decades ago.

Imagine how twisted my ideas on sex would be if the internet was around at that time. :eek:

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at and forward the link to every gun owner you know.


New member
This is another fine example of an organization that selectively defends human rights. Playboy does a lot to further the cause of free speeech, though not necessarily freedom.

I like this site, because many of us are libertarians, and not people who think they should be allowed to own guns, but others should be locked up for owning marijuana or pornography, for instance.


New member
i second HKg3's comment! :p

I do read playboy, i am 15, what 15 year old boy that isnt weird, not into girls, or really really kept a tight rein on, doesnt?
i altually have premission as long as i pay for the subscription and dont expect to be allowed t get anything more than playboy.
and yes i do actually read it.

its a good magazine, altho if they do take a totally and completely anti-gun stand, to the point of being like Time magazine about it, i will cancel my subscription.

What issue is/was this gun control article in?
(boy wont i look the fool if its one i already got in the maila nd i missed the article. especially after i said i do read it. *oops how do my thoughts appear in my post?*)

For the quality of the writing, and for the intellegence level of the magazine Playboy is well worth reading, and for the rest of it, its well worth just looking at.

Cpt. John Park

New member
Dear Friends,

As you probably already know, I am the designated prude for TFL! I usually chime in with an ill word for dirty jokes, and I am definitely going to give y'all a challenge on this whole Playboy thing. Ok, here goes:

Please send your daughter over, just as soon as she turns 18, so that I can take nude pictures of her and publish them in Playboy, so that she can never, in her whole life, serve as a Sunday School teacher, school board member, city council woman, or representative of any kind.

Please give a stack of Playboys to your daughter's boyfriend to read just before they go out to the prom, so that he can spend the whole evening trying to figure out how to get her clothes off.

Please go say this to your wife: "Honey, I know I am the one who made you pregnant and ruined your figure. I know it is my kids who have made your hair turn grey. I know I have a beer gut hanging out over my belt and I left my underwear on the floor. But I just don't think you are that good looking anymore, so I'll look at Playboy instead and imagine that when we're in bed."

Men, integrity and moral strength are not easy to have or keep. And looking at Playboy is like surrendering to the enemy without even fighting.

Read TFL, buy more guns, shoot clays, count your bullets, help your kids with their homework, fix the leak in the toilet, take the Boy Scouts camping. Be a man.

Junk your Playboys.


Jay Baker

New member
Just as an aside, Hugh Hefner, a long time extreme left wing gun hater and Constitution hater (ya hate the Second, ya hate 'em all), has for many, many years, always traveled with very well armed and very expensive bodyguards.

Guns?! Guns?! He don't need no stinkin' guns!



New member
Cpt. John Park,
I will be the first to admit that everyone has a right to express an opinion, regardless of the fact that it may or may not go along with the opinion of everyone else involved.
However, your insinuation that by reading Playboy, a person is demoted to less than a man is very offensive to me. I would imagine that everytime someone made the accussation that by owning guns you were automaticly labeled a potential killer or phsyco would rub you the wrong way as well. I no longer buy Playboy because I have other things I must do with my money,fix the toilet,buy food, pay bills, take my 7 year old daughter to clogging class, and yes, buy ammo to practice with so I can protect my family. The fact that I would read such a magazine in no way affects the care and resposibility I show my family. It does not make me a sexual pervert. If it did, I would imagine we would be overrun with perverts as most males have at some time in their lives been privy to said magazine. Our country was founded on the idea that we are a free people to do as we wish as long as we do not infringe on the rights of others. Would I renew my subscription to Playboy? No, as I have said I have other things I must do instead. If I were to sit down and find a copy beside me, would I read it? You Betcha, and I'll argue all day that it's noone's business but my own.
I'm sorry that I do not have the writing abilities that most on this forum possess. I also do not mean to step on anyones' toes, but if we intend to defend the "Rights Of The People", let's defend them all, not just those that appeal to us.
I'll step down from the podium now and prepare for the flames I know shall appear. Please, throw only soft fruit. Things like apples and the sort, tend to leave large bruises.


New member
one simple question...

Geez... I didn't mean for this forum to get out of control. Of course Capt. John Park seems to be hunting for a debate. :D

Captain, somehow I don't think girls who pose for playboy have any intention of becoming Sunday School teachers, school board members, city council women, or representatives, but if they decide to they're going to have to live with the decisions they made years ago. Everyone makes choices and they have to live with the consequences. That may mean they may only be electable in Kalifornia (didn't some town there elect a former prostitute?) and not in Salt Lake City Utah.

Secondly, I doubt there are very many men who do approve of their daughters posing naked. I'm sure there are some but not the majority.

If I have a daughter, I would not have to give her boyfriend a stack of playboys, because teenage boys don't need prompting from Playboy to try and get into a girls pants. I would have him finding me cleaning my pre-ban AR-15 when he showed up to take my daughter to the prom :) AND I would hope that I've raised my daughter to be able to make the right decisions in her life.

Playboy is not the problem. A lack of strong convictions and character is and we can't very well go around legislating that, can we?

So, instead of taking this topic as an afront to your personal convictions, just take it for what it is; a discussion of whether or not the article on firearms in the January issue of Playboy (a magazine) is worth reading. Would this be a problem if I had asked about a TIME magazine article?


New member
cpt. park, i'm afraid your downright out numbered on the playboy issue, but i want to thank you for expressing your right to free speech and letting us all know how you feel.

However, i feel that no one is forced to pose for playboy against their will, and it is the womans choice to do what she wants, its her body.
no one is turned into some sort of sex fiend just by reading playboy, i read it, look at it, and still i dont think about getting my girlfriend out of her clothes 24/7.

all of that aside, you arent going to be buying a copy any time soon, so i think i will start buying that one issue a month that you could be buying, and start myself a nice collection of never taken from the bag playboys, which i can sell for a good amount of money when its time, to do something like get one of my future daughters a start in college.


New member
Since Playboy was such a major factor in my teen years, I guess I'm qualified to post twice on this topic. At that time in my life, my hormones weren't active, they were nuclear. Playboy didn't drive me to be sexually active, it was just another outlet. Any father who truly loved his daughter wouldn't have wanted someone like me around, period. I was an a**h**e.

The young women who pose for Playboy do so willingly, just as do those who "dance" at topless clubs. People will always do something for money, or for a career jumpstart. I doubt that any of the virtuous girls I knew in high school would ever consider such a course.

I can, however, empathize with Captain's feelings when it comes to a wife. As I turn 50, and my wife not far behind, it's easy to get caught up in the notion that only youth is beautiful. While the "charms"--as we euphemistically called them in the sixties--my wife had that originally attracted me to her have changed, the true beauty she possesses that brought me to marry her have not. Playboy doesn't rise to that level.

Every change in visual technology--from paint to photography to Polaroid to camcorders and digital cameras--has been embraced first by those who want to create sexually explicit images. We can no more change that than we can our DNA. If you don't like it, don't look. Just teach your children properly.

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at and forward the link to every gun owner you know.