Gun Chicks are so Cool


Staff Alumnus
That Group shot with Gillian was for a MAXIM photo shoot if I recall correctly. Some art director told 'em how to stand around.

Truth be known I tried several times to start/manage a band called "Chicks with Guns" trouble was all those damn punk rock grrl musicians would constantly fight.


New member
I have taught several ladies how to shoot. While none of them are gun people they really have an interesting in learning to handle one, given the opportunity.

Actually I just got off the phone with a friend of mine from Calculus, sophomore year. We were making plans to go to the range when she got cut off (cell phone).

oooh cell phone buzzin...there she is :)

We're going tomorrow :D

Anyway back to what I was saying, I haven't met any ladies that are hardcore gun people like Runt, Tamara, Kaylee (not only a gun nut, but disses the .223 in favor of .308!) in real life.


New member
what's wrong with "chicks?" It's certainly a lot more endearing than some of the things you guys get called behind your back. ;)

RE spaceman.... um... wow. You sure know how to make Alaska sound inviting, ya know?

Is that first picture OF Ann Coulter as a young'n?



New member
BigG nailed it. The only bigger ErrorNet myths are the 1,000 yard shots or the SpecOps claims.

LetsFetz, those Suid Afrikan women should review the Four Rules! Yikes.:eek:

Never met a "gun girl", cannot fathom one either, but the myth keeps hope alive!!!:D
Ok Kaylee. What do they call us behind our backs - besides slobs?

Very truly yours,

Homo-Slobicus Americanus.
(Sloppy 'merican Male)


New member
i doubt anything the opposite sex calls us behind our backs would be considered insulting. as long as comparisons arent being made, i'm never insulted.

kaylee, not all the guys up here have such smooth pickup lines as i do.


New member
my fave gun "chick"

my bride



New member
Milla Jovovich

THe movie "Resident Evil" was jsut released on DVD and it has Milla Jovovich and Michelle Rodriguez who both shoot up a storm. Milla Jovovich says in the ' The making of RE" commentary that she enjoyed making this movie because she got to do alot of one of her favorite things, SHOOTING GUNS!!! Gotta love the gal!!!

There were some sub machinegun type weapons in that movie that I can't identify but I did notice a Baretta 9mm, some 1911's and some type of .38/.357 type revolver. A very cool flick!!! Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
My ten year old daughter enjoys guns and shooting as much as i do. My future son in law better appreciate this!:)


If you realy want to hook up with one, I suggest the first step is to quit referring to women as "chicks".
Oh, please... :rolleyes:

What next: Wymyn with Fyrearms ?

You really need to give up that PC crap, David.

RE: Ann Coulter...

Beautiful, intelligent, articulate, conservative and a gun owner/! :cool:


New member
My sister is one hell of a shooter. My wife, whose father was an avid shooter as well as a gunsmith, is not too thrilled. She has no problem with my toys though.

Hey NINE, great picture!;) :D


New member

By "create" I did not mean "procreate with" :rolleyes:

Go find some otherwise nice girl and take her to the range and make her into a gunnie. You won't find one any other way -- the guys who make us how we are keep us. ;)